
TRP : Television Rating Point


What is the full form of TRP?

TRP Stands for "Television Rating Point"

TRP represents Television Rating Point. It is an instrument that shows the prevalence of a TV program. It is utilized to decide what TV program is seen most. This gives a list of the decisions of individuals and shows the fame of the specific program. A program with higher TRP shows that the program is seen by an enormous number of watchers. Its information is valuable for the sponsors since they place their promotions during the projects with higher TRPs.

How TRP is determined:

As of now, INTAM (Indian Television Audience Measurement) is the lone office that is working in the territory of TRP figuring.

It deals with two strategies:

1) Frequency Monitoring Method

To ascertain TRP in this strategy, A gadget is joined to the TV sets of not many thousand watchers' homes to pass judgment. This gadget is called People's meter and records the time and the program that the watcher watches on a specific day. After that, a normal is taken for the 30-day time frame to know viewership status. Individuals' meter is an exorbitant gadget which is imported from abroad.

2) Picture Matching Technique

In this procedure, a People's meter persistently records a little bit of the image that is viewed on a specific TV. After that information is gathered from the example homes and used to figure the public rating. This method is more dependable and nearly new in India.


AcronymFull Form
PSIPound per Square Inch
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
DDTDichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane
ADAnno Domini
AM and PMAnti Meridiem and Post Meridiem
CCCubic Capacity / Cubic Centimeter
AMCAnnual Maintenance Contract
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
DJDisc Jockey
GMOGenetically Modified Organism
NGONon-Governmental Organization
PNRPassenger Name Record
WEFWith Effect From
MAHMilliampere Hours
NOCNo Object Certification
CECommon Era
LKGLower Kindergarten