
LOGO : Logotype


What is the full form of LOGO?

LOGO stands for "Logotype".

The abbreviation is picked from Greek origin and it directly translates to the word ‘imprint’ in English. LOGO can be also defined as a symbol, graph, or symbol that retains public recognition.

A LOGO could be anything. It could be an abbreviation, a pictorial representation, a text, etc, anything that is able to serve the purpose could be subjected under this account. Over the course of time, the LOGO has picked up a huge success and now it is popularly used in various different fields. Now, the outlook of the LOGO has become fancier and the company designing it is also grossing in the market.

Now LOGO has become a fashion and big brands use it as their trademark. Huge firms and companies link their status with the popularity of LOGO.

Tracing back the history, though LOGO picked up popularity for a few decades, it started off from 600 BCE during the invention of the coins. During that time, silver hallmarks were embedded either by the government or by the kingship of that time. With the revolution, this pattern started to change, but the idea of LOGO sustained.


AcronymFull Form
PSIPound per Square Inch
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
DDTDichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane
ADAnno Domini
AM and PMAnti Meridiem and Post Meridiem
CCCubic Capacity / Cubic Centimeter
AMCAnnual Maintenance Contract
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
DJDisc Jockey
GMOGenetically Modified Organism
NGONon-Governmental Organization
PNRPassenger Name Record
TRPTelevision Rating Point
WEFWith Effect From
MAHMilliampere Hours
NOCNo Object Certification
CECommon Era
LKGLower Kindergarten