
GMO : Genetically Modified Organism


What is the full form of GMO?

GMO Stands for "Genetically Modified Organism"

GMO represents a Genetically Modified Organism. It alludes to a plant, creature, or whatever another life form whose hereditary cosmetics have been changed or altered through recombinant DNA innovation (quality joining), quality adjustment, or transgenic innovation.

GMO is created through a lab cycle where qualities of one life form are extricated and moved to another living being or alternate animal varieties. As this cycle includes the move of qualities, the GMOs are likewise called "transgenic" life forms. This cycle might be called Genetic Engineering or Genetic Modification.

This innovation has been created throughout the years to confront the difficulties of taking care of an always developing populace by making crops with nuisance, infection, and atmosphere opposition. The bacterial qualities that encode for bug or herbicide obstruction are brought into the genomes of harvests to deliver GM crops. Nourishments delivered from GMOs are known as GM nourishments. The generally discovered GM crops in the United States are Soy, Corn, Cotton, and Canola.

The cutting edge recombinant DNA innovation can line together bits of DNA with qualities, paying little heed to the wellspring of DNA. For instance, there are GMO pigs that sparkle in obscurity as a quality for bioluminescence from a jellyfish has been embedded into their DNA. Likewise, researchers have created tomatoes that oppose ice and frigid temperature by embeddings liquid catalyst qualities from a cool water fish, the colder time of year wallow.


AcronymFull Form
PSIPound per Square Inch
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
DDTDichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane
ADAnno Domini
AM and PMAnti Meridiem and Post Meridiem
CCCubic Capacity / Cubic Centimeter
AMCAnnual Maintenance Contract
CNGCompressed Natural Gas
DJDisc Jockey
NGONon-Governmental Organization
PNRPassenger Name Record
TRPTelevision Rating Point
WEFWith Effect From
MAHMilliampere Hours
NOCNo Object Certification
CECommon Era
LKGLower Kindergarten