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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms


In this article, we will learn about how to create our first Machine Learning project under the Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning platform.


We all have conquered the need to optimize our models and even use machine learning models to make sure we make our results optimized whenever possible or be at any time, and that's the reason why Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform comes to rescue us to a very great extent. Due to its features, it's very widely used, which are: - 

  1. Best in class integration system
  2. Full-fledged algorithm-based system
  3. Drag and drop based system
  4. Cleaner and Effective User Interface ( UI )
  5. Quick addition of service

Best in Class Integration System

Well on a platform it's very required to make sure that whatever services you use the integration system should amplify to other services seamlessly to make in enhance that your work in making as the way you want, and therefore Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning comes to rescue. 

 Full-fledged algorithm-based system

Whenever using the machine learning model it's very much required that the required algorithm should work in an error-free environment. Thus Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform helps in the term to make sure the customer has the freedom to choose the algorithm to whatever experiment to whenever he or she wants.

Drag and drop based system

The drag and drop system helps even a non-technical guy to make sure that it is effective to modify or start a new project in the Machine Learning environment and that's the beauty of Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform, empowering everyone to make their accomplishment.

 Cleaner and Effective User Interface ( UI )

It's very much required for any application that its User Interface is very much easy to understand and with higher efficiency, Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Platform is one of the best examples to show how a simple modern yet effective UI can work and exist.

Quick addition of service

In the area of integration, it is very much important to understand that the quick addition of services is so much important, be at a machine learning platform or anything. Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning helps to take control of quick addition of services thus making sure each and every possible way to maximize the trust of output is carried.


To create a project in Machine Learning Platform we will take out the following steps:

Step 1

Click on the Link and select Buy now.

picture credit: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/69534.htm?


Step 2

Choose your appropriate region and select buy now.

picture credit: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/69534.htm?


Step 3

Click on console and then click GOtoDataWork

picture credit: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/69534.htm?



Step 4

Click "Create Project"


picture credit: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/69534.htm?


Step 5

Select MaxCompute and Machine learningPAI, choose Pay-As-You-Go

picture credit: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/69534.htm?


Step 6

Configure Basic Information and click Create


picture credit: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/69534.htm?


Step 7

Click Machine Learning section to see the project created


picture credit: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/69534.htm?

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms