
BC : Be Cool / Because

Internet Slang

What is the Full Form of BC?

BC has meanings such as "Be Cool", and "Because".

What does BC mean?

This abbreviation has many meanings but the above mentioned two are mostly used. When the sender is using this in the sense of Be Cool then that means "stay calm" or "calm down." A broseph might tell you to BC when you're stressing over something or look like you might freak out. Or, someone you are having a confrontational conversation with might tell you to BC in hopes of de-escalating a tense situation. For example: "BC, it's not a BFD." "Don't tell me to BC, bro. I'll see you in the parking lot."

If the abbreviation is used in the sense of “because”, then that is used in text messages and on the web. It is typically seen when a person is explaining something and they have limited time and/or character space.

Although the abbreviation is very popular, it should only be used in informal situations. It is similar to the b/c abbreviation but is more common and requires fewer characters. For example: "I didn't go to class 2day bc I wasn't feeling well."

Where to use the term "BC"?

“BC man! You don’t have to yell!”

(here it means to be cool)

“Just bc we are unable to see each other it doesn’t mean I don’t value you.”

(here it means because)


B/C : Because

Internet Slang

What is the full form of B/C?

B/C stands for “Because”.


What does B/C mean?

This abbreviation is commonly used on various social media platforms. When a sender is using this term so by this, they simply mean because. It is used to text quickly.

For example: - I won’t be able to come to the office tomorrow B/C I’m very sick.

Where to use this  " B/C "  term?

Imagine two people are having a conversation:

Jaan: Why were you late today?

Nikki: B/C I got stuck in the traffic.


AcronymFull Form
LOL Laughing Out Loud
FYIFor Your Information
TTYLTalk To You Later
ROFLRolling On Floor Laughing
ETAEstimated Time of Arrival
OKOll Korrect
PFAPlease Find Attachment
DPDisplay Picture
BRBBe Right Back "Be Right Back" is an expression, for the most
EODEnd of the Day
CC and BCCCarbon Copy and Blind Carbon Copy
HBDHappy Birthday
AFAIKAs far as I know
ASAPAs Soon As Possible
BAEBaby or Before Anyone Else
BFFBest Friends Forever
GTGGot To Go
IDCI Don’t Care or In Due Course
JKJust Kidding
NVMNever Mind
TBHTo Be Honest
YOLOYou Only Live Once
AKAAlso Known As
DMDirect Message / Don’t Mind
MCMMighty Car Mods / Man Crush Monday
OMWOn My Way
OOTDOutfit Of The Day
POVPoint Of View
SMHShaking My Head
TBTTruth Be Told / Throw Back Thursday
WCWWoman Crush Wednesday / World Championship Wrestling
AMAAsk Me Anything
FAQFrequently Asked Question
IMHOIn My Humble Opinion
LMKLet Me Know
RTRe-Tweet / Real Time
RIPRest In Peace
IDR I Don’t Remember
IRLIn Real Life
NSFWNot Safe For Work
OTLOn The low
ROLFRolling On Floor Laughing
TL;DR / TLDRToo Long that’s why Didn’t Read
AFKAway From Keyboard
KMITLKeep Me In The Loop
NOOBNewbie or Newcomer
Ya’llYou All
DGMWDon’t Get Me Wrong
DIYDo It Yourself
FKAFormerly Known As
FTWFor The Win
HTHHope This Helps
JFYIJust For Your Information
NBDNo Big Deal
TIAThanks In Advance
ICYMIIn Case You Missed It
AMAAsk Me Anything
IKRI Know, Right?
IMMDIt Made My Day
SNHSarcasm Noted Here
MFWMy Face When
NOYBNone of your Business
YMMDYou made my Day
WFMWorks for Me
WRTWith Regard to
WTHWhat the Hell / What the Heck
WTFWhat the Fuck
TBCTo be Continued / To be Confirmed
TGIFThanks God, its Friday
THX / TNXThanks
TYVMThank you very much
TYTTake your Time
SFLRSorry, for late Reply
SCNRSorry, could not Resist
MMWMark my words
N/ANot Applicable / Available
NNTRNo need to Reply
2F4UToo Fast for you
NRNNo Reply Necessary
OTOHOn the other Hand
AAMOFAs a Matter of Fact
AFAIRAs far as I remember / recall
B2K / BTKBack to Keyboard
BTTBack to Topic
BTWBy the Way
C&PCopy and Paste
CUSee you
CYSCheck your Settings
EOBDEnd of Business Day
EODEnd of Discussion
EOMEnd of Message
HFHave fun
WFHWork From Home
IDKI don't know
IMOIn my Opinion
IMNSHOIn my not so Humble / Honest Opinion
IOWIn other Words
HMBHit me back
TCTake Care
MYOBMind your own business
TYThank You
OMGOh My God / Gosh