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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

PHP Versions History

The article contains PHP version history to-date.

List of All PHP Version History

Php is a general-purpose scripting language. It is best suited for web development. Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf founded Php in 1994. Php stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. In the early days, the PHP stands for Personal Home Page.

It was released in June 1995.  It was the only PERL/ CGI Script toolset written in C-language. Initially, it was known as Personal Home Page. 

It was released in November 1997. Two main features came into existence Form handling, and the second one is HTML embedding. HTML embedding means the HTML embedded inside the PHP language. You are allowed to use the HTML tags while writing. 

It was released in June 1998. The features introduced in the following release are API extension and Introduction of Zend Engine. 
API stands for Adobe Plug-In. The file that has the .api extension always contains the plugins required in the application. 
Zend Engine acts like a virtual machine used for automating the web pages with PHP. It is open-source. 

It was released in May 2000. The features introduced are the improved run time execution, providing web server abstraction layer, and introduced superglobals.

It was released in July 2004. The features introduced in the version are PDO Extension, Rewritten XML functionality, and introduced Zend Engine II. 

It was released in November 2005. This version fixes more than 400 bugs. The new built-in functions were introduced and rewritten data code handling. 

It was introduced in November 2006. The new features that were supported are New error message concept, Input filtering extension, and JSON extension. It also upgraded the bundled SQLite. 
There are deprecated functions in this version that are filePro and Hyperwave API. 

Released in June 2009. The supported features are Namespace support, Late static binding support, Jump labels, and Nowdoc support added. 
A few functions are deprecated, such as call-time pass-by-reference, define_syslog_variables, and safe_mode. 

Released in March 2012. The features introduced along with this are Trait Support, Short Array Syntax Support, Improved Parse Error message, and binary format added. 
Feature deprecated is mysql_list_dbs().

Released in June 2012. The features introduced along with this are Generators Added, Bundled ZendOptimizer, New Password Hashing API, and the 'finally' keyword was introduced. 
Functions deprecated are ext/MySQL deprecation, intl deprecations, and mcrypt deprecations. 

Released in August 2014. Featured introduced are constant expressions, Interactive Debugger called Phpdbg. Now by default, the characters can be encoded easily. You can upload the heavy files easily after this version. 
Functions deprecated are calls from incompatible context, iconv, and mbstring encoding settings. 

Released in December 2015. Features introduced are scalar type declaration, Return type declaration, null coalescing operator, and spaceship operator. 
Deprecated functions are PHP 4 style constructors and static calls to non-static methods.

Released in December 2016. Features are Nullable types, void functions, Symmetric Array Destructuring, Class Constant Visibility, Asynchronous Signal Handling. 
The deprecated function is eval options.

Released in November 2017. Features are Password Hashing, New Object Type, and Method overriding. 
Deprecated features are autoload() method, create_functions. 

Released in December 2018. Features introduced are Trailing comma, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR.


PHP/F1 JUNE, 1995
PHP/F3 JUNE, 1998
PHP/F4 MAY, 2000
PHP/5.0 JULY, 2004
PHP/5.1 NOVEMBER, 2005
PHP/5.2 NOVEMBER, 2006
PHP/5.3 JUNE, 2009
PHP/5.4 MARCH, 2012
PHP/5.5 JUNE, 2012
PHP/5.6 AUGUST, 2014
PHP/7.0 DECEMBER, 2015
PHP/7.1 DECEMBER, 2016
PHP/7.2 NOVEMBER, 2017
PHP/7.3 DECEMBER, 2018


A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms