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Showing articles with PHP. Show all articles
28/02/2022 PHP, 2667 Views
How to check a case insensitive substring exists within the given string using a regular expression pattern in PHP | PHP program
28/02/2022 PHP, 1604 Views
How to demonstrate the regular expression to count the occurrence of a given substring in PHP | PHP program
28/02/2022 PHP, 1647 Views
How to demonstrate the regular expression to replace the substring within the string in PHP | PHP program
28/02/2022 PHP, 1537 Views
How to demonstrate the quantifiers in pattern to search a string using a regular expression in PHP | PHP program
28/02/2022 PHP, 1778 Views
How to demonstrate the use of $GLOBALS to access global variables in PHP | PHP program
28/02/2022 PHP, 1667 Views
How to print the filename of the current executing PHP script in PHP | PHP program
28/02/2022 PHP, 2105 Views
How to demonstrate the regular expression to count the occurrence of a given substring in PHP | PHP program
28/02/2022 PHP, 1546 Views
How to print the version of CGI used by the webserver in PHP | PHP program
23/02/2022 PHP, 2290 Views
How to print the server name or website name in PHP | PHP program
23/02/2022 PHP, 1484 Views
How to print the version of the server software in PHP | PHP program
23/02/2022 PHP, 1216 Views
How to print the server protocol in PHP | PHP program
23/02/2022 PHP, 1046 Views
How to print the request method used to access the webpage in PHP | PHP program
23/02/2022 PHP, 1152 Views
How to print the timestamp of the start of the request in PHP | PHP program
22/02/2022 PHP, 1186 Views
How to demonstrate the use of $_REQUEST superglobal variable in PHP | PHP program
22/02/2022 PHP, 994 Views
How to demonstrate the use of $_POST superglobal variable in PHP | PHP program
22/02/2022 PHP, 1521 Views
How to decode the JSON string into an associative array in PHP | PHP program
22/02/2022 PHP, 1267 Views
How to demonstrate the json_encode() function with multi-dimensional array in PHP | PHP program
22/02/2022 PHP, 992 Views
How to demonstrate the json_encode() function with indexed array of strings in PHP | PHP program
22/02/2022 PHP, 1175 Views
How to create Divide By Zero Exception class in PHP | PHP program
22/02/2022 PHP, 951 Views
How to create a user-defined exception class in PHP | PHP program
17/02/2022 PHP, 985 Views
How to demonstrate the finally block in exception handling in PHP | PHP program
17/02/2022 PHP, 1172 Views
How to create DivideByZeroException class in PHP | PHP program
15/02/2022 PHP, 1507 Views
How to create a user-defined exception class in PHP | PHP programs
15/02/2022 PHP, 1212 Views
How to demonstrate the NULL reference exception using exception handling in PHP | PHP programs
15/02/2022 PHP, 1735 Views
How to demonstrate the Array index out of bound exception using exception handling in PHP | PHP program
15/02/2022 PHP, 1326 Views
How to demonstrate the Divide By Zero Exception using exception handling in PHP | PHP program
15/02/2022 PHP, 2640 Views
 How to download the text file from the specified URL in PHP | PHP program
08/02/2022 PHP, 1300 Views
How to send a text e-mail message in PHP | PHP program
08/02/2022 PHP, 1214 Views
How to convert base64 into the simple string in PHP | PHP programs
07/02/2022 PHP, 1615 Views
How to convert a string into base64 in PHP | PHP programs
07/02/2022 PHP, 1249 Views
How to calculate the md5 hash from plaintext in PHP | PHP programs
07/02/2022 PHP, 1142 Views
How to demonstrate the function returning object in PHP | PHP programs
07/02/2022 PHP, 1316 Views
How to pass an object of class as an argument in PHP | PHP programs
07/02/2022 PHP, 1267 Views
How to demonstrate the method overloading based on the number of arguments in PHP | PHP program
03/02/2022 PHP, 1082 Views
How to demonstrate the final keyword in PHP | PHP programs
03/02/2022 PHP, 995 Views
How to demonstrate the method overriding in PHP | PHP programs
03/02/2022 PHP, 1018 Views
How to demonstrate the inheritance of abstract classes in PHP | PHP programs
03/02/2022 PHP, 1044 Views
How to inherit an abstract class and an interface in a non-abstract class in PHP | PHP programs
03/02/2022 PHP, 1105 Views
How to inherit an abstract class into multiple non-abstract classes in PHP | PHP program
02/02/2022 PHP, 934 Views
How to demonstrate the final keyword in PHP | PHP programs
02/02/2022 PHP, 896 Views
How to demonstrate the method overriding in PHP | PHP programs
02/02/2022 PHP, 1020 Views
How to demonstrate the inheritance of abstract classes in PHP | PHP programs
02/02/2022 PHP, 954 Views
How to inherit an abstract class and an interface in a non-abstract class in PHP | PHP programs
02/02/2022 PHP, 995 Views
How to inherit an abstract class into multiple non-abstract classes in PHP | PHP programs
01/02/2022 PHP, 1155 Views
How to demonstrate the example of the simple abstract class in PHP | PHP programs
01/02/2022 PHP, 1017 Views
How to demonstrate the inheritance of interfaces in PHP | PHP programs
01/02/2022 PHP, 1294 Views
How to implement multiple-inheritance using the interface in PHP | PHP programs
01/02/2022 PHP, 1759 Views
How to implement multiple interfaces in the same class in PHP | PHP programs
01/02/2022 PHP, 1271 Views
How to implement an interface into multiple classes in PHP | PHP programs
28/01/2022 PHP, 1204 Views
How to demonstrate the example of a simple interface in PHP | PHP programs
28/01/2022 PHP, 1188 Views
How to demonstrate the hierarchical or tree inheritance in PHP | PHP programs
28/01/2022 PHP, 1548 Views
How to demonstrate the multi-level inheritance in PHP | PHP programs
28/01/2022 PHP, 1185 Views
How to call base class destructor from the derived class in PHP | PHP programs
28/01/2022 PHP, 1414 Views
How to call a base class constructor from the derived class in PHP | PHP programs
27/01/2022 PHP, 1487 Views
How to demonstrate the single inheritance in PHP | PHP programs
27/01/2022 PHP, 2017 Views
How to calculate the power of a given number using recursion in PHP | PHP programs
27/01/2022 PHP, 1193 Views
How to calculate the factorial of a given number using recursion in PHP | PHP programs
27/01/2022 PHP, 1110 Views
How to demonstrate the use of variable arguments in PHP | PHP programs
27/01/2022 PHP, 1447 Views
How to demonstrate the use of default arguments in PHP | PHP programs
24/01/2022 PHP, 1152 Views
How to demonstrate the call by reference parameter passing in PHP | PHP programs
24/01/2022 PHP, 1108 Views
How to demonstrate the call by value parameter passing in PHP | PHP programs
24/01/2022 PHP, 1126 Views
How to demonstrate the use of destructor in PHP | PHP programs
24/01/2022 PHP, 890 Views
How to implement the parameterized constructor using __construct() in PHP | PHP program
24/01/2022 PHP, 2454 Views
How to demonstrate the parameterized constructor in PHP | PHP programs
23/01/2022 PHP, 2244 Views
 How to implement the default or no-argument constructor using __construct() in PHP | PHP programs
23/01/2022 PHP, 1928 Views
How to demonstrate the default or no-argument constructor in PHP | PHP programs
23/01/2022 PHP, 1151 Views
How to demonstrate the use of the local and global variables in PHP | PHP programs
23/01/2022 PHP, 1110 Views
How to demonstrate the use of printf() function in PHP | PHP program
23/01/2022 PHP, 1100 Views
How to print the method name with the associated class name using magic constant __METHOD__ in PHP | PHP programs
21/01/2022 PHP, 1113 Views
How to print the class name using magic constant __CLASS__ in PHP | PHP programs
21/01/2022 PHP, 1197 Views
How to print the function name using magic constant __FUNCTION__ in PHP | PHP programs
21/01/2022 PHP, 1217 Views
How to print the full path of the current program file in PHP | PHP programs
21/01/2022 PHP, 1123 Views
How to print the line number using __LINE__ magic constant in PHP | PHP programs
21/01/2022 PHP, 1049 Views
How to check a constant is defined or not in PHP | PHP programs
20/01/2022 PHP, 1333 Views
How to check a constant is defined or not in PHP | PHP programs
20/01/2022 PHP, 1013 Views
How to create a case in-sensitive constant using define() function in PHP | PHP programs
20/01/2022 PHP, 1308 Views
How to create a constant using define() function in PHP | PHP programs
20/01/2022 PHP, 1237 Views
How to implement a cascaded function call in PHP | PHP programs
20/01/2022 PHP, 4364 Views
How to convert hours, minutes, and seconds into several seconds in PHP | PHP programs
19/01/2022 PHP, 3269 Views
How to convert seconds into hours, minutes, and seconds in PHP | PHP programs
19/01/2022 PHP, 2235 Views
How to create a class to add two times in PHP | PHP programs
19/01/2022 PHP, 1064 Views
How to create a class to subtract one distance from another distance in PHP | PHP programs
19/01/2022 PHP, 1315 Views
How to create a class to add two distances in PHP | PHP programs
19/01/2022 PHP, 1132 Views
How to create a class with setter and getter functions in PHP | PHP programs
18/01/2022 PHP, 1258 Views
How to initialize data members without using the constructor in PHP | PHP program
18/01/2022 PHP, 1028 Views
How to print the size of the empty class in PHP | PHP program
18/01/2022 PHP, 980 Views
How to define methods within the class in PHP | PHP program
18/01/2022 PHP, 1436 Views
How to create multiple objects of a class and access attributes of the class in PHP | PHP program
18/01/2022 PHP, 1107 Views
How to create an object of a class and access the class attributes in PHP
The article contains PHP version history to-date.
Laravel is very powerful PHP framework which is designed for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. Laravel was created by Taylor Otwell in June 2011.