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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms


Services in Alibaba Cloud | AI | BigData | Solutions | Migration | Security | DataBase | Storage and many more


Alibaba Cloud is a Chinese Cloud Computing Company and it is also known as Aliyun,  a subsidiary of Alibaba Group. Alibaba Cloud offers cloud services, which are available on a pay as you go basis which includes Elastic Compute, Data Storage, Relational Databases, Big Data Processing, Anti DDos and most important Content Delivery network. Alibaba Cloud's international operation is registered and headquartered in Singapore. In this article ALL ABOUT ALIBABA CLOUD, we will discuss every detailed knowledge as possible.

Certifications with Alibaba Cloud Academy

Well, one can get a certification with Alibaba Cloud Academy to validate and expertise with Alibaba Cloud Certification, gain excellent recognition with visibility for proven technological competencies, moreover you can choose from scenario-based or technical based certification and you can take the exam online or offline.

To get the certification visit this link to get more information

Benefits by Alibaba Cloud Certification for Students

Alibaba Cloud for Students enables students from all around the world to become the very next generations of Cloud Professionals because at some point Cloud Computing will provide a backbone to all future technologies.

  • It only costs for a student of $0.99 for the first year
  • Provides 600GB data transfer plan
  • 10 free training courses

To avail click on this link to know more about the information

Services by Alibaba Cloud in Elastic Computing

Elastic Computing Service

Auto Scaling

Container Service

Container Service for Kubernetes

Container Register

Simple Application Server

Batch Compute

Function Compute


Dedicated Host

Elastic Container Instance

Operation Orchestration Service

Server Migration Centre


Services by Alibaba Cloud in Storage


Object Storage Service


Hybrid Cloud Storage Array

Data transport

Cloud Storage Gateway


Data Online Migration

Hybrid backup Recovery

Services by Alibaba Cloud in Databases

Polar DB

Apsara DB


Apsara DB for Redis

Apsara DB for MongoDB

Time Series & Spatial Temporal Database

Graph Database

Apsara DB for Memcache

Analytic DB for MYSQL

Analytical DB for PostgreSQL

Data Management Service

Database Backup

Data Transmission Service

Database Backup

Ocean Base

Table store


Services by Alibaba Cloud in Networking

Server Load Balancer

Virtual Private Cloud

NAT Gateway

Elastic IP Address

Express Connect

Data Transfer Plan

Internet Shared Bandwidth

Cloud Enterprise Network

Smart Access Gateway

VPN Gateway

Private Zone


Services by Alibaba Cloud in Media Services and CDN

Alibaba Cloud CDN

Apsara Video for VOD

Apsara Video Live

Apsara Video for media processing

Dynamic Route for CDN


Services by Alibaba Cloud in Domain and Hosting


Alibaba mail

Web Hosting

Alibaba Cloud DNS

Services by Alibaba Cloud in Application Service

Log Service


API Gateway

Blockchain as a Service

Service by Alibaba Cloud in Middleware

Enterprise Distributed Application Service

Message Queue for Apache Rocket MQ

Message Queue for MQTT

Application Real-time monitoring service

Application Configuration Management

Message Notification Service

Application High Availability Service


Service by Alibaba Cloud in  Cloud Communications

Short Message Service

Service by Alibaba Cloud in Security

Security Advisories

DDoS Protection

Web Application Firewall

Game Shield

Server Guard 

Security Centre

Alibaba Cloud SSL Certificate Service

Content Moderation

Crowdsourced Security Testing

Cloud Firewall

Cloud Security Scanner

Anti Bot Service

Sensitive Data Discovery and Protection

ID verification

Service by Alibaba Cloud in Big Data

Max Compute 

E- Map Reduce

Data Works

Real-time Compute

Elastic Search

Data Lake Analytics

Data V

Quick BI

Service by Alibaba Cloud in AI

Machine Learning Platform for AI

Intelligent Speech Interaction

Machine Translation

Image Search

Service by Alibaba Cloud in IoT

IoT Platform

Link Kit SDK

Service by Alibaba Cloud in Management and Monitoring

Cloud Monitor

Resource Access Management

Action Trail 

Resource Orchestration Service

Ket Management Service

Global Traffic Manager

Cloud Shell

Cloud Config

Open API Explorer


Service by Alibaba Cloud in Management Tools

Alibaba Cloud CLI

.NET SDK Developer Guide



Java SDK Developer Guide

Node.js SDK Developer Guide

PHP SDK Developer Guide

Python SDK Developer Guide

Services by Alibaba Cloud in Solutions

Disaster Recovery


Services by Alibaba Cloud Migration

Migration FAQ

Web Hosting Migration

Service by Alibaba Cloud in Membership Service

Account Management

ICP Filling

Billing Management Guidebook

User center


A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms