All ShortCut Keys | Types Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Power BI for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Microsoft Outlook for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Microsoft Teams for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in iTerm2 for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Framer X for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Fortnite Game Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Shopify for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Netflix Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Trello for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Trello for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Spotify for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Spotify for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in SketchUp for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in SketchUp for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Reddit for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Reddit for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Quip for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Quip for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in PuTTY for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in PuTTY for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Notion for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Notion for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Jira for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Jira for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Guitar Pro for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Guitar Pro for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Google Drive for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Google Drive for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Gmail for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Gmail for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GitLab for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GitLab for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GIMP for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GIMP for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Figma for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Blender for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Blender for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Bitbucket for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Bitbucket for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Arduino for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Arduino for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Apex Legends for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Airtable for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Airtable for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Bear Notes for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Sublime Text for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Zoom for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Zoom for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Audacity for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Audacity for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in YouTube Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Asana for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Asana for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Visual Studio Code for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Vivaldi Browser for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Vivaldi Browser for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Unity 3D for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Unity 3D for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Twitter for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Twitter for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Webflow for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Webflow for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Photo for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Photo for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Adobe Photoshop for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Designer for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Designer for Mac OS Most Used Adobe Lightroom keyboard shortcut keys for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcuts in 1Password for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcuts in 1Password for Mac Most Used keyboard shortcuts in Power Apps Keyboard shortcuts for Azure Resource Graph Explorer in Mac OS Keyboard shortcuts for Azure Resource Graph Explorer in Windows OS Most Used Microsoft Azure Portal keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Sketch keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Microsoft Teams keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Google Postman keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Figma keyboard shortcut keys Most Used CorelDRAW keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Adobe XD keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Adobe Lightroom keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Photoshop keyboard shortcut Keys Most Used XCode keyboard shortcuts Most Used IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts Most Used PhpStorm keyboard shortcuts Most Used Webstorm keyboard shortcuts Most Used Pycharm keyboard shortcuts Most Used Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts Most Used UI Path keyboard shortcuts Most Used Notepad keyboard shortcuts Most Used Tally keyboard shortcuts Most Used Git GUI keyboard shortcuts Most Used Linux OS keyboard shortcuts Most Used Mac OS keyboard shortcuts Most Used Shortcut keys of Microsoft Outlook Most Used Shortcut keys of Microsoft Power Point Most Used Shortcut keys of Microsoft Excel Most Used Shortcut keys of Microsoft Word Most Used Shortcut keys of Windows System Most Used Shortcut keys of Notepad ++ Most Used Shortcut keys of Visual Studio Most Used Shortcut keys of Microsoft Edge Browser Most Used Shortcut keys of Opera Browser Most Used Shortcut keys of Apple Safari Browser Most Used Shortcut keys of Mozilla Firefox Browser Most Used Shortcut keys of Google Chrome Most Used Shortcut keys of IE (Internet Explorer) Browser Most Used Shortcut keys of Visual Studio Code Most Used Shortcut keys of NetBeans IDE Most Used Shortcut keys of My Eclipse Most Used Shortcut keys of Eclipse IDE Most Used Shortcut keys of Android Studio

Most Used CorelDRAW keyboard shortcut keys

: 64283

What is CorelDraw?

CorelDraw is one of the most seasoned and driving names in the illustrations plan. From the revered Corel Corporation (a Canadian-based organization), the application accompanies a set-up of the relative multitude of fundamental instruments and bleeding-edge includes that you'll have to make shocking photographs, illustrations, plans, and sites. In this time of computerized change, the application's highlights are expertly created to meet the developing necessities of clients across various businesses.

 List of CorelDraw Features:

  • LiveSketch tool
  • Enhanced vector previews, handles, and nodes
  • Prominent interactive sliders
  • Custom node shapes
  • Touch-friendly GU interface
  • Powerful stylus enhancements
  • Import legacy workspaces
  • Font filtering and search
  • Corel Font manager
  • Multi-monitor
  • Healing clone tools
  • Copy Curve Segments
  • Gaussian blur feature

Most Used CorelDRAW keyboard shortcut keys:

B Align bottom
P Align center page
E Align horizontal center
R Align right
T Align top
C Align vertical center
Alt+F12 Align to baseline
Document Display
F9 Full-screen preview
Ctrl+W Refresh window
Shift+F9 Toggle display
Ctrl+Shift+C Show nonprinting characters
Ctrl+F9 Contour
Ctrl+F7 Envelope
Ctrl+F5 Graphic and text style
Alt+F3 Lens
Alt+F2 Linear dimensions
Alt+Enter Object properties
Alt+F7 Position
Alt+F8 Rotate
Alt+F9 Scale and mirror
Alt+F10 Size
Alt+F11 Insert symbol and special characters
Alt+F12 View manager
Alt+F6 Symbols manager
Distribute Command
Shift+B Distribute bottom
Shift+E Distribute centers horizontally
Shift+C Distribute centers vertically
Shift+L Distribute left
Shift+R Distribute right
Shift+P Distribute spacing horizontally
Shift+A Distribute spacing vertically
Shift+T Distribute top
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+Insert Copy
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Delete CUt
Delete Delete
Ctrl+D Duplicate
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo
Ctrl+R Repeat
Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Backspace Undo
Ctrl+E Export
Ctrl+I Import
Ctrl+N New document
Ctrl+O Open
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+Shift+S Save as
Ctrl+F4 Exit
Font Formatting
Ctrl+B Bold
Ctrl+Shift+F Font list
Ctrl+Shift+W FOnt weight
Ctrl+I Italic
Ctrl+Shift+K Small caps
Ctrl+U Underline
Ctrl+Numpad 2 Decrease font size
Ctrl+Shift+P Font size
Ctrl+Shift+H HTML font size
Ctrl+Numpad 8 Increase font size
Ctrl+Numpad 6 Next font combo size
Ctrl+Numpad 4 Previous font combo size
Shift+F3 Change case
Ctrl+F8 Convert text
F11 Open fountain fill dialog
Shift+F11 Uniform fill dialog
Ctrl+Shift+B Color balance
Ctrl+B Brightness/intensity
Ctrl+Shift+U Hue/saturation
Object Nudge Commands
Down arrow Nudge Down
Left arrow Nudge left
RIght arrow Nudge right
Up arrow Nudge up
Shift+Down arrow Super Nudge down
Shift+Left arrow Super nudge left
Shift+Up arrow Super nudge up
Shift+Right arrow Super nudge right
Shift+Down arrow Micro nudge down
Shift+Left arrow Super nudge left
Shift+RIght arrow Super nudge right
Shift+Up arrow Super nudge up
Object Ordering
Ctrl+Page down Back one
Ctrl+Page up Forward one
Shift+Page up To back
Shift +page down To front
Outline Pen
Shift+F12 Open outline color dialog
F12 Open outline pen dialog
Page Down Next page
Page Up Previous page
Text Formatting
Ctrl+M Bullet text
Ctrl+E Center justify
Ctrl+F8 Convert text state
Ctrl+Shift+D Apply drop cap
Ctrl+Shift+T Edit text
Ctrl+H Force justification
Ctrl+T Format text
Ctrl+J Full justify
Ctrl+, Horizontal text
Ctrl+L Left justification
Ctrl+N No justification
Ctrl+R Right justification
Ctrl+Period Vertical text
Zoom and Pan
N Navigator
H Hand tool
Alt+Down arrow Pan down
Alt+Left arrow Pan left
Alt+Pan arrow Pan up
Ctrl+F2 View manager
F2 Zoom one shot
F3 Zoom out
F4 Zoom to all object
Shift+F4 Zoom to page
Shift+F2 Zoom to selection
Toolbox Tool Selection
I Artistic media tools
X Eraser tool
F7 Ellipse tool
Shift Toggle eyedropper and paint bucket
F5 Freehand tool
D Graph paper tool
H Hand
G Interactive fill tool
M Mesh tool
Y Polygon tool
F6 Rectangle tool
F10 Shape tool
S Smart drawing tool
A Spiral tool
F8 Text tool
Spacebar Toggle pick state
Cursor Moves Using Text Tool
Delete Delete the character to the right
Ctrl+Delete Delete the word to the right
Page down Cursor down one frame
Down arrow Cursor down one line
Ctrl+Down arrow The cursor left one paragraph
Left arrow The cursor left one character
Ctrl+Left arrow The cursor left one word
RIght arrow Cursor right one character
Ctrl+Right arrow Cursor right one word
Page up Cursor up one frame
Up arrow Cursor up one line
Ctrl+Up arrow Cursor up one paragraph
Ctrl+Home Cursor to start of the text
Home Cursor start of a line
Ctrl+Page up Cursor to start of the text
End Cursor to end of line
Ctrl+Page down Cursor to end of the text
Ctrl+A Select all text
Shift+Left arrow Select character to left
Shift+RIght arrow Select character to the right
Shift+Page Down Select down one frame
Shift+Down arrow Select down one line
Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow Select down one paragraph
Shift+Page down Select up to one frame
Shift+Up arrow Select up to one line
Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow Select up to one paragraph
Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow Select word to left
Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow Select word to the right
Ctrl+Shift+Home Select to start of frame
Shift+Home Select to start of the line
Ctrl+Shift+Page up Select to start of the text
Ctrl+Shift+End Select to end of the frame

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shortcut keys in Quip for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Quip for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Reddit for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Reddit for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in SketchUp for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in SketchUp for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Spotify for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Spotify for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Trello for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Trello for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Netflix Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Shopify for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Fortnite Game Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Framer X for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in iTerm2 for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Microsoft Teams for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Microsoft Outlook for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Power BI for Windows