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Microsoft to Introduce major Changes to the Command Line Interface

Microsoft is planning to switch the Windows terminal to the default interface on Windows 11.

Microsoft is introducing a significant modification to the command line interface on Windows 11, switching the default to Windows Terminal. As a result, Mac and Linux users will have a more dynamic experience. The firm discussed its future plans in an article concerning Windows Terminal. "We'll commence with the Windows Insider program and work our way via the rings until everyone on Windows 11 is up to date."

You may modify the default in Windows 11 if you are a massive admirer of Windows Terminal and would like to adopt it right away. You can modify it in three places: the Windows Settings Developer Settings page, the Windows Terminal settings on the homepage, and the Windows Settings Developer Settings page.

If you don't prefer Windows Terminal or are running outdated software that focuses on a distinct command line, you can return to the same locations when Microsoft switches the default command-line interface to Windows Terminal.

For Microsoft, this is a huge shift. "Since the beginning of Windows, the default terminal emulator has typically been the Windows console host, conhost.exe," according to the company.
