
DVD : Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc


What is the full form of DVD?

DVD stands for "Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc"

DVD represents Digital Versatile Disk. It is ordinarily known as Digital Video Disk. It is an advanced optical circle stockpiling design used to store high limit information like top-notch recordings and motion pictures. It is likewise used to store the working framework. It is designed and created by 4 organizations named Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in 1995. DVDs give a higher capacity limit than CDs( minimized circle) and can be played in various sorts of players like DVD players.

DVD Storage Capacity

Based on the capacity limit, DVDs can be partitioned into 4 kinds.

No.       Type                                       Storage limit

1)       Single-sided, Single layer          4.7 GB

2)       Single-sided, Double layer        8.5 GB to 8.7 GB

3)       Double-sided, Single layer        9.4 GB

4)       Double-sided, Double layer      17.08 GB

A DVD comes in two measurements.

  • 12 cm (120 mm): It is the most widely recognized size and by and large utilized for putting away programming, films, and working framework, and so on
  • 8 cm (80 mm): This size of DVDs are by and large utilized for little gadgets like the convenient music player and camcorder and so on

Brief History of DVD:

At first, the DVD was created as a substitute for VHS tapes, yet soon they got mainstream as an information stockpiling gadget. In 1972, sound CD was created as a vehicle of diversion. In 1993, two video circle designs were being created, the Multimedia Compact Disk (MMCD) and the Super Density (SD) plate. In 1997, DVD took over CD as a mechanism of diversion and information stockpiling. Twister was the primary film put on DVD on 25 March 1996.

Types of DVD:

  • Based on applications, a DVD can be arranged in various manners as portrayed underneath:
  • DVD-ROM: It must be utilized for perusing and can't be composed.
  • DVD-R: It can be utilized to record any kind of information.
  • DVD-RW: It can be perused, composed, deleted, and revamped.

Preferences or Advangetes of DVD:

  • Huge capacity limit, for example, 4.7 to 9 Gb
  • Great sound and picture quality, so a most ideal alternative to store recordings and sounds
  • Generally modest as they are mass-delivered
  • Data can be put away on the two sides of the DVD, not at all like a CD.


AcronymFull Form
ACDAutomatic Call Distributor
CPUCentral Processing Unit
HTCHigh Tech Computer
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LEDLight Emitting Diode
MCBMiniature Circuit Breaker
PDAPersonal Digital Assistant
PSUPower Supply Unit
TDRTime Domain Reflectometer
TFTThin Film Transistor
VGAVideo Graphics Array