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What is cloud computing?

in this article we will discuss about what is cloud computing and its type

What is Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet including different server, software, storage. Keeping important files on drives and hard disk is dangerous as adverse situation occurs such as hard disk broken, corrupted then in one second whole data which is important for us is lost. So, to overcome this problem we evolve the term “Cloud computing” which means storing files virtually. That means we will be provided some storage on cloud on which we can store our files. They will provide certain amount of storage to you, if you need more space you have to charge as per the amount of storage you want. As long as the electronic device is connected to web so from there, we can run our programs whatever we want. Cloud computing is now a days is on boom in computer field or we can say IT companies, as there is so much threat everywhere, we cannot store important files for example company backup files on normal hard disk or in our laptop. There comes idea of cloud computing, that provide high security, space, storage space to keep your files safely. Major corporations including Amazon, Google, IBM, Sun, Cisco, Dell, HP, Intel, Novell, and Oracle have invested in cloud computing and offer individuals and businesses a range of cloud-based solutions.

Types of cloud

There are four types of cloud

  1. Public cloud
  2. Private cloud
  3. Hybrid cloud
  4. Community cloud

1.) Public cloud: The word public itself tells “for everyone”, means accessible to all over the world. It is open system source where storage or platform are provided free or pay per use criteria that can be accessed through internet. Some of the popular examples of public clouds include Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), Google App Engine, Blue Cloud by IBM and Azure services Platform by Windows. Suppose you don’t want to share important files from your system. Now what you will do to share those files, yes you can send them in bulk but it will later on create problem and had a bad impact on your business. Now to overcome this problem public cloud term help us, it provides all type of requirement we need for small and big businesses. This public cloud is structured in such a way that every business has device independency. Keeping track on all files and folders which make sharing and accessing files easily. Here we can upload large files as much our defined conditions. In this we have to only pay for what service we are using.

2.) Private cloud: The word private itself tells only for single person. In this hardware, software or any type of service will be accessed by a single person or user.  Private cloud combines many of benefit of cloud computing include elasticity, scalability, ease of service delivery such as access control security and resource customization. Many companies choose private cloud instead of public cloud as private cloud is easier to meet daily regular requirement. It provides different organization more control and had a great security on their cloud server. Most of the organisation now a days opting private cloud computing as it has following features:

  • Security
  • Long term savings
  • Predictable performance
  • Predictable costs
  • Regulatory governance

Security in private cloud is much as traffic to private cloud is typically limited to the organization own work. Public cloud control big traffic from million users creating a malicious traffic which will give bad impact on security purpose. Since private cloud provided a specific environment so it is easy for organisation to handle or have good control over server network and application security.

Long term savings as it is very expensive to set up the infrastructure to support private cloud but if we already had hardware and network required for hosting, there private cloud is much more cost effective, we can save money by not paying monthly fees to user other’s server publicly.

Predictable performance as everything is in control in private cloud all hardware and software is dedicated to specific work rather than multi-tenant. Each and every performance is predictable and unaffected by other organisation.

Predictable costs in public cloud cost is unpredictable but in private cloud cost is predictable. In public cloud cost depends on usage, storage charge, data charge, but in private cloud It cost same for each month as the work efficiency and how much data is moved.

Regulatory governance Those regions where public cloud is not provided their private cloud are required. Organisation which has important sensitive financial data legal terms paper always opt private cloud to ensure that they got private access to control over their personal information

3.) Hybrid cloud: This name itself tells that it is mixture of two, here talking about cloud so hybrid cloud is mixture of public and private cloud both. In these applications are running in different environment. Hybrid cloud refers to a mixed computing, storage, and services environment made up of on-premises infrastructure, private cloud services, and a public cloud—such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure among the various platforms. Hybrid cloud helps a company achieve its technical and business objectives more effectively and cost-efficiently than public cloud or private cloud alone. The main aim for using hybrid cloud is to create a unified automated and well organised computing environment. The best hybrid cloud provider companies are Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Cisco, and NetApp. The features of hybrid cloud are: flexible, cost effective, security, risk management.

4.) Community cloud: The name itself means that more than one user is included. This system allows system and services to accessible by all users such as group of organisations to share information among each other. It allows users to analyse and identify the demands. Community clouds are more expensive than public clouds but also more secure. The implementation of a community cloud is more complicated than other types of clouds, as there are many users included. So the setup is so big to handle. Best example of community cloud is government sectors. Community clouds are designed for joint projects for business and organisation applications, or research, which requires a central cloud computing facility for building, managing and executing such projects, regardless of the solution rented.

Types of cloud computing

Cloud computing is not a small piece of technologies, it is a huge system which consists of three major services namely IAAS, PAAS, SAAS. We will have a look on these three services in brief.

  • IAAS (infrastructure as a service):- It is also known as hardware as a service. It is one of the layers of cloud computing. This service provide infrastructure such as server, networking, virtual machines, storage to the customer. Through this customer get access to these resources on internet using pay per use service. Customers is rented out for specific period of time with pre-determined hardware configuration. Customer can dynamically scale the configuration to meet the changing requirement and are billed only for services actually used.
  • PAAS (Platform as a service):- It is third party provider delivers the hardware and software over the internet to users. These are basics requirements for building applications. It provides users to easily create test run deploy web applications. User can use these tools as pay per use criteria. In this scalability is managed by cloud service provider, so end user does no need to worry about. As we know platform as a service means providing platform to make web applications, PAAS provide many programming languages such as java, PHP, ruby, Perl and go. It also provides different framework so we can easily understand the application such as node.js, WordPress, spring etc.
  • SAAS (Software as a service): - Also known as “On demand software”. It is software distribution model in which different services are controlled by cloud service provider. These services are available for the user over the internet so user do not need to install so many software on their devices to access these applications. Due to this user get benefit as they can access their work remotely. It is type of digital platform which provide software to end users so that they do not get difficulties in doing their work. SAAS provide on demand software on internet. All users can run the same version of software at a time.
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