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What is Structural Testing in Database Testing | Software Testing

Apr 01, 2022 #SoftwareTesting, 3006 Views
In this article, you will learn the one category of Database Testing i.e Structural Testing.

What is Structural Testing in Database Testing | Software Testing

In this article, you will learn the one category of Database Testing i.e Structural Testing.

What is Structural Database Testing?

Structural Database Testing is the database testing technique that verifies all the elements present inside the data repository. It is more likely to be used for data storage and can not be directly accessed and manipulated by the end-user. The validation is vitally important in structural database testing. The tester should be a master in SQL queries in order to complete the structural testing. 

What is Schema Testing?

Schema Testing is a database testing process to validate schema formats associated with the database. It verifies whether the mapping formats are compatible with User Interface or not. The main motive of schema testing is to ensure that schema mapping between the front-end and back-end must be similar. It is also known as mapping testing

The important checkpoints for schema testing are:

  1. Verification of multiple schema formats that are connected with the database. It might be possible that the mapping formats of the table may not be compatible with the mapping format present in the user interface level of an application. 
  2. There is a requirement for verification in the case of unmapped tables/views/columns.
  3. It is also required to verify whether heterogeneous databases in an environment are constant with the overall application mapping

Database Table, Column Testing

The important checkpoints for the database table and column testing:

  1. The mapping of database fields and columns in the backend is compatible with those mapping in the front-end. 
  2. Validates the length and naming convention of the database fields and columns as specified by the requirements.
  3. Validates the presence of any unused/unmapped database tables/columns in the database. 
  4. Validates the compatibility of the data type and field length.

Keys and Indexes Testing:

The important checkpoints for Keys and Indexes Testing:

  1. Validates whether the required constraints of primary and foreign keys have been created in the database or not. 
  2. Verify the references of the foreign keys.
  3. Verify that the data type of the primary key and the corresponding key in the foreign key is the same.
  4. Verify whether the naming conventions have been followed by the keys and indexes.

Tigger Testing:

The important checkpoints for the Tigger Testing:

  1. It verifies that the coding conventions have been followed during the coding. 
  2. Verify that the triggers executed for the respective DML transactions have fulfilled the required conditions. 
  3. Verifies whether the triggers update the data correctly once they have been executed.
A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms