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What is Agile Iteration Planning in Agile Methodology? | Agile Methodology

In this article, you will learn about Agile Iteration planning in detail.

What is Agile Iteration Planning in Agile Methodology? | Agile Methodology

In this article, you will learn about Agile Iteration planning in detail.

The primary purpose of iteration planning is for the whole team. The team should have a whole set of top product backlog items. The completion of a peak-ranked product backlog is a commitment in the time needed on the length of iteration and team velocity. 

Who plays the part in iteration planning?

  • Scrum Master: The scrum master is a team head and facility provider. He helps the complete team to follow the agile methodology so that the team can meet the commitments and requirements of the customers. 
  • Product Owner: The product owner has to take care of the entire view of the product backlog and its acceptance criteria.
  • Agile Development Team: Agile development team mentions their tasks and sets the efforts. The efforts are used to estimate the requirements to fulfill the commitment.

Prerequisites of the Planning:

  • The acceptance criteria should be mentioned in each portfolio.
  • The ranking of the portfolio items is given by the product owner.
  • The items in the backlog should be of a particular size and also have a relative story point assigned to them.

Planning Process:

The following are the steps involved in the iterative process:

  • Find out how many requirements are needed in a particular iteration.
  • Break the requirements into various tasks. After breaking, assign tasks to their respective owners.
  • Owners have to complete each task in the respective time. 
  • These estimated times help the team to check how many hours are needed to complete an iteration.
  • The task is allocated to the team members by seeing their capacity. So that the team member won’t be overburdened.

How to calculate the velocity of the team member?

The Agile team determines the velocity based on the previous iterations. It is the average number of units that require finishing requirements in an iteration. Planned velocity gives a clear picture to the team of how many user requirements can be completed in the particular iteration. If the team can complete the work assigned quickly, the requirement can be transferred to the next iteration.

How do determine the task capacity of the team?

There are three factors that help in determining the capacity of the team:

  • A total number of working hours of the team in a day.
  • A person can complete each iteration in how many days.
  • Time percentage of a member entirely available for the team.
A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms