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What is Staffing? What are the function of Staffing? What are the importance and process of Staffing?

Jun 30, 2021 BusinessAdmiistration, 21785 Views
What is Staffing? What are the function of Staffing? What are the importance and process of Staffing?

What is Staffing? What are the function of Staffing? What are the importance and process of Staffing?

What is Staffing ?

Staffing refers to finding the right person for the right job with appropriate qualifications or experience and recruiting them to fill a position, role, or job. For more click here.

Functions of Staffing

  1. The primary function of staffing is to obtain qualified personnel for different jobs position in the organization.
  2. In staffing, the right person is recruited for the right jobs, therefore it leads to maximum productivity and higher performance.
  3. It helps in promoting the optimum utilization of human resource through numerous aspects.
  4. Job satisfaction and morale of the workers increases through the recruitment of the right person for the job.
  5. Staffing helps to ensure better utilization of human resources.
  6. It ensures the continuity and growth of the organization, through development managers.

Importance of Staffing

1.) Staffing function ensure higher performance by placing right person for the right job by proper recruitment and selection process. Employee are given high position according to their qualification and experience.

2.) By appointing efficient staff, staffing function ensure continuous survival and growth of the organization. As an organization grow or make progress with the effort of its employees only.

3.) Staffing operate facilitate in discovering of qualified and getting competent personnel for varied jobs within the organisation.

4.) Since the proper person is recruited for the rightr jobs, it leads for max productivity and better performance.

5.) It promotes optimum utilization of human resources.

6.) It increase job satisfaction and morale of the staff through adequate remuneration for every job.

7.)Since the staffing function helps to make efficient utilization of human resources exist the labour prices per unit or production are reduced.

8.) It ensures the continuity and growth of the organization, through development managers.

9.) It help, business activities aren't discontinuous at any time because of shortage of competent staff or excess work workers. Because it forecast the correct staff requirement for the present and for the long term.

10.) It leads to efficient functioning of the organization due to systematic programmes for the selection, training and appraisal of employees are required by proper staffing function.

11.) The utilization of latest technology may be achieved by the proper person, chosen within the organization.

12.) workers currently acknowledge the dignity of labour, there's awareness of the role of playacting the staffing operate well; management will show the importance it attaches to the human resource development.

Staffing process :

1.)Estimating manpower requirement:

staffing process start with the estimation of man power requirement which means finding the number and type of employees needed by the organization. Man power requirement is not only to find out number of people needed by the organization but also the type of people needed by the organization. Type means the qualification and educational background of the person whom we need to appoint.

2.) Recruitment:

It is the method of finding out a prospective candidate and stimulate them to apply for the job. It is done through the internal source of recruitment and external source of recruitment.

3.) Selection:

selection is the process of selecting the most suitable candidate to fill the vacant job position. The selection is done through a process which involve interview test etc.

4.) Orientation and Placement:

After the selection, placement is done where the employee occupies the job position. After joining the organization, the employees is given the brief introduction about the company and introduced to the co-workers. It is an orientation process which familiarises the candidate with the job position and organization.

5.) Training and Development:

Training is an important part of incentives given to the employeees in order to develop and grow them within the concern. Firm either have their in-house training center or has forged alliances with training institutions for training and development of the employees.

6.) Performance Appraisal:

At this step, the capability of the employee is judged and for that, his actual work performance is compared with the work assigned to him. If the results are not up to the mark, he is again given training and after that also if results are again unfavourable, the employee is put on some other department

7.) Promotion and Career Planning                      

Promotion is an vital part of people’s career. Firm addresses the career-related problem to promote the employees. Promotion includes additional pay, responsibility and job satisfaction.

8.) Compensation

Compensation refers to any or all for of payments to the workers including pay and rewards. It also includes incentives,commission and indirect payments.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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