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What is Functional Testing in Database Testing | Software Testing

Apr 02, 2022 #SoftwareTesting, 2202 Views
In this article, you will understand one of the categories of Database Testing.

What is Functional Testing in Database Testing | Software Testing

In this article, you will understand one of the categories of Database Testing.

What is Functional Testing?

Functional database testing is a type of testing that is used to verify the functional requirements of the database from the end-user’s perspective. The fundamental goal of functional database testing is to check whether the transactions and operations performed by the end-users which are associated with the database work as expected or not. 

There are a few primary conditions that need to be checked for database validations.

  • Check whether the mandatory field is allowing NULL values in the field. 
  • Check whether the length size is sufficient for each field. 
  • Check whether all the similar fields have the name across the tables. 
  • Check whether any computed field is present in the database. 

This particular procedure is the formalization of the field mapping from the end-user point of view. In this process, the tester would operate at the database level and traverses to the relevant user interface item to observe and verify whether the proper field validations have been achieved or not. 

The vice-versa condition is also been executed such as the tester performing the first operation at the user interface, and then the same needs to be performed from the back end. 

Checking the data integrity and consistency. 

The necessary checkpoints are:

  • Validate that the data is logically well organized?
  • Validate that the data stored in the tables are as per the business requirements.
  • Validate is there unnecessary data present in the table.
  • Validate that the data stored in the tables are as per the business requirements concerning the data that have been updated from the user interface. 
  • Validate that the TRIM operation performed on the data in the table is before inserting data into the database under the test?
  • Validate that the data has been properly committed if the transaction has been successfully executed.
  • Validate that the data has been captured properly if the transaction has not been successfully executed by the end-user. 
  • Validate that the transaction has been performed as per the business requirement specifications and whether the results are valid or not.

Login and User Security

The necessary checkpoints to validate the login and user security are:

  • Validate that the user will not able to proceed in the following cases:
    • Invalid username and invalid password
    • A valid username and invalid password
    • Invalid username and valid password
  • Validate that the user is not allowed to perform the specific operations which are required for the business.
  • Validate that the data is secured from unauthorized access.
  • Validate that the user having different permissions are only allowed to access those areas. 
  • Check the data sensitivity and password sensitivity.
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