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In this article, we will discuss the differences between Microsoft Azure and Alibaba Cloud


Cloud Computing has developed much and has a much great influence in supporting today's technology and could play a major role in enhancing future technology. Discussing Cloud Technology one cannot neglect Cloud Services that we opt for to make sure our work is done - no matter where you are or at what time you are demanding.

Thus, talking about Cloud - Microsoft plays a huge role and we cannot deny, but Alibaba Cloud is growing itself in terms of services of Cloud and within a decade it has made itself to its own segment in Cloud Services segments. Alibaba Cloud has been around since 2009, yes you read it right since 2009 - it is actually a part of Alibaba Group and the largest provider in cloud services in China. Since the geography of Alibaba Cloud has reached far beyond China and formed a truly global coverage, so it would be fair to compare it with the Cloud Lead i.e, Microsoft Azure.


Talking about Cloud, we can't deny the importance of Security. We pay special attention to the measure of security and as their adequacy can tip the scales in their decision whether to trust the provider. 

Microsoft Azure ad Alibaba Cloud applies extensive security measures, advanced data encryption algorithms and are used at both client-side and server-side.

Microsoft Azure uses the Active Directory model for access management. Azure also has an effective MFA mechanism that enhances and modules the security approach.

Alibaba Cloud uses Resouce Access Management to provide access to its services and the RAM system allows multi-level access systems with MFA for extra protection.

Both Microsoft Azure and Alibaba Cloud have HIPAA, PCI DS, and other certificates to prove compliance with the global, regional and industry security regulations and of course, both of them ensure services that comply with applicable regulations.


Whenever you are launching a virtual machine in a Cloud, you can always request an additional storage volume together with it. Both of the cloud platforms be at Microsoft Azure or Alibaba Cloud offers up to 32767 Gigabyte with the extremely high performance of their disks.


Microsoft Azure coverage is more dense with 54 regions on all continents and the azure network has reached as far as Australia, Japan, and South Africa.

While Alibaba Cloud has a dense presence in China with 7 regions.However, it also has quite a number of Asia Pacific, two region in the United States, two in Europe and one in the Middle East. Thus, we can say that it has decent coverage and services are available all around the world.

Therefore we can say that with Microsoft Azure you can be closer to a data center and have more reliable services.

Market Share by top Websites

Microsoft Azure is leading in the top 10k sites, top 100k sites and top 1M Sites and the entire Web. Although Alibaba Cloud is still behind Microsoft Azure in all market share segments its enhancing itself every hour.

Microsoft Azure has better usage coverage in more websites categories including Computer Electronics and Technology, Arts and Entertainment, News and Media, Science and Education and more 20 other categories.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms


Subham Ray loves to share Technology through articles or sessions or even Virtual events. He is a passionate Author at TutorialsLink where he writes articles on Azure , data science, Machine Learning, and more. He is a certified Artificial Intelligence Engineer. He has delivered sessions on technology on national and international grounds.

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