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Introduction to Agile Methodology

in this article, we learn about the Agile Methodology


  • As indicated by the Agile Alliance, Agile is: "The capacity to make and react to change so as to prevail in an unsure and fierce condition".
  • Coordinated Software Development is an umbrella term which is utilized to depict a lot of techniques and practices to convey a regular incentive to clients.
  • At the center of Agile, self-arranging and cross-useful groups use practices fitting to their setting to make arrangements through a coordinated effort.
  • The first stage must be finished before the following one starts.

Agile Manifesto

Coordinated Manifesto brought about a concurred set of 4 qualities and 12 standards between the gathering, which structure the premise of Agile Software Development are still in like manner use today.

A Statement of Values

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan
  • http://www.agilemanifesto.org

Principles behind the Agile Manifesto

  1. Our most elevated need is to fulfill the client through right on time and consistent conveyance of profitable programming.
  2. Welcome evolving necessities, even late being developed. Nimble procedures bridle change for the client's upper hand.
  3. Convey working programming much of the time, from a little while to a few months, with an inclination to the shorter timescale.
  4. Representatives and engineers must cooperate day by day all through the venture.
  5. Manufacture extends around roused people. Give them the earth and bolster they need, and trust them to take care of business.
  6. The most productive and viable technique for passing on data to and inside an advancement group is an eye to eye discussion.
  7. Working programming is an essential proportion of advancement.
  8. Spry procedures advance maintainable improvement. The backers, engineers, and clients ought to have the option to keep up a consistent pace uncertainly.
  9. Nonstop consideration regarding specialized brilliance and great plan improves spryness.
  10. Straightforwardness - the craft of augmenting the measure of work not done- - is fundamental.
  11. The best models, prerequisites, and structures rise up out of self-sorting out-groups.
  12. At normal interims, the group considers how to turn out to be increasingly viable, at that point tunes and changes its conduct likewise.

What is Agile Testing

  • Nimble is an iterative advancement approach, where the whole undertaking group takes an interest in every one of the exercises.
  • The prerequisites advance as the cycles advance, through cooperation between the client and oneself sorting out-groups.
  • As Coding and Testing are done intelligently and steadily, over the span of advancement, the final result would be of value and guarantees client necessities.
  • Each emphasis brings about an incorporated working item increase and is conveyed for User Acceptance Testing.

The customer feedback thus obtained would be an input to the next/subsequent Iterations.

Principles of Agile Testing

  • Testing is nonstop: Agile group tests consistently in light of the fact that it is the best way to guarantee persistent advancement of the item.
  • Constant input Agile testing gives criticism on a continuous premise and this is the way your item meets the business needs.
  • Tests performed by the entire group: In a conventional programming advancement life cycle, just the test group is in charge of testing yet in dexterous testing, the engineers and the business examiners additionally test the application.
  • Lessening time of criticism reaction: The business group is associated with every emphasis in spry testing and persistent input abbreviates the hour of input reaction.
  • Rearranged and clean code: All the deformities which are raised by the light-footed group are fixed inside a similar emphasis and it helps in keeping the code spotless and disentangled.
  • Less documentation: Agile groups utilize a reusable agenda, the group centers around the test rather than the accidental subtleties.
  • Test-Driven: In deft strategies, testing is performed at the hour of usage while, in the customary procedure, the testing is performed after execution.

Benefits of using Agile Testing Technique

The benefits of the agile testing approach are as follows:

  • It saves time and money
  • Agile testing reduces documentation
  • It is flexible and highly adaptable to changes
  • It provides a way for receiving regular feedback from the end-user
  • Better determination of issues through daily meetings

Agile Methodologies


  • Scrum is an Agile process;
  • Used to manage complex projects since 1990;
  • Delivers business functionality in 30 days;
  • The business sets the priorities;
  • Teams self-organize to determine the best way to deliver the highest priority features.
  • Scalable to distributed, large, and long projects;
  • Extremely simple but very hard!


Sprint planning – “definition of Done”

Sprint review – “the demo”

Sprint retrospective

Daily scrum meeting

Product owner

Scrum master

Product Owner

  • Define the features of the product.
  • Decide on release date and content.
  • Be responsible for the profitability of the product (ROI).
  • Prioritize features according to market value.
  • Adjust features and priority every iteration, as needed
  • Accept or reject work results.

Scrum Master

  • Ensure that the team is fully functional and productive
  • Enable close cooperation across all roles and functions
  • Remove barriers
  • Shield the team from external interferences during the Sprint
  • Ensure that the process is followed, including issuing invitations to Daily Scrum, Sprint Review and Sprint Planning meetings.

Agile Methodologies

XP (eXtreme Programming )

  • eXtreme Programming is client-driven and centers around continually evolving prerequisites.

With regular discharges and client input, the finished result will be of value meeting client prerequisites that are made more clear during the procedure.

Test-Driven Development

Test Automation

Continuous Integration

Collective Code Ownership

Pair Programming

Crystal: Crystal Methodology is based on three concepts

  • Chartering: Various exercises associated with this stage are making an improvement group, performing starter plausibility examination, building up an underlying arrangement and tweaking the advancement system
  • Cyclic delivery: The principle improvement stage comprises at least two conveyance cycles, during which the
  • Group refreshes and refines the discharge plan
  • Actualizes a subset of the prerequisites through at least one program test incorporates cycles
  • Coordinated item is conveyed to genuine clients
  • Audit of the undertaking plan and received improvement philosophy
  • Wrap Up: The exercises performed in this stage are sending into the client condition, post-arrangement audits and reflections are performed.

KANBAN: There are physical (or virtual) “cards” called Kanban that move through the process from start to finish.

  • Visualize what you do today (workflow): seeing every one of the things with regards to one another can be exceptionally useful
  • Limit the amount of work in progress (WIP): this helps balance the stream-based methodology so groups don't begin and focus on an excess of work immediately
  • Enhance flow: when something is done, the following most noteworthy thing from the excess is maneuvered into play

Kanban advances persistent joint effort and empowers dynamic, continuous learning and improving by characterizing the most ideal group work process.

Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM): DSDM is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) way to deal with programming improvement and gives a lithe task conveyance structure.

  • The significant part of DSDM is that the clients are required to be included effectively, and the groups are enabled to decide.
  • Visit conveyance of item turns into the dynamic concentration with DSDM.
  • The techniques used in DSDM are
  • Time Boxing
  • MoSCoW Rules
  • Prototyping

Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM):

  • The DSDM project consists of 7 phases
    • Pre-project
    • Feasibility Study
    • Business Study
    • Functional Model Iteration
    • Design and Build Iteration
    • Implementation
    • Post-project

Feature Driven Development (FDD): This technique is centered around "structuring and fabricating" highlights.

In contrast to other dexterous techniques, FDD portrays unmistakable and short periods of work that must be practiced independently per highlight.

It incorporates space walkthrough, plan review, elevates to fabricate, code investigation and structure.

  • FDD develops product keeping following things in the target
    • Domain object Modeling
    • Development by feature
    • Component/ Class Ownership
    • Feature Teams
    • Inspections
    • Configuration Management
    • Regular Builds
    • Visibility of progress and results

Lean Software Development: Lean software development method is based on the principle "Just in time production".

  • It aims at increasing the speed of software development and decreasing cost.
  • Lean development can be summarized in seven steps.
    • Eliminating Waste
    • Amplifying learning
    • Defer commitment (deciding as late as possible)
    • Early delivery
    • Empowering the team
    • Building Integrity
    • Optimize the whole

Agile Software Development Model

  • Testing is continuous: Agile group tests persistently in light of the fact that it is the best way to guarantee constant advancement of the item.
  • Continuous feedback: - Agile testing gives criticism on a progressing premise and this is the manner by which your item meets the business needs.
  • Tests performed by the whole team: In a traditional software advancement life cycle, just the test group is in charge of testing however in spry testing, the designers and the business examiners additionally test the application.
  • Decrease time of feedback response: The business group is associated with every cycle in dexterous testing and ceaseless input abbreviates the hour of criticism reaction.

Principles of Agile Testing

  • Improved and clean code: All the deformities which are raised by the dexterous group are fixed inside a similar cycle and it helps in keeping the code spotless and rearranged.
  • Less documentation: Agile groups utilize a reusable agenda, the group centers around the test rather than the accidental subtleties.
  • Test-Driven: In coordinated techniques, testing is performed at the hour of usage while, in the conventional procedure, the testing is performed after execution.

Characteristics of Agile

  • Scrum
  • Quality-Testing is coordinated all through the lifecycle, empowering normal review of the working item as it creates.
  • Visibility - Agile development principles encourage ‘user/client’ active involvement throughout the product’s development process.
  • Early identification and resolution of issues - Small incremental releases made visible to the product owner and product team through its development help to identify any issues early and make it easier to respond to change.
  • Accommodating change due to volatile requirements (Flexibility / Agility) - In agile development, change is accepted. Instead, the timescale is fixed and requirements emerge and evolve as the product is developed. 
  • Iterative releases, Communication, continuous integration - The active involvement of a user representative/product owner, the high visibility of the product and progress, and the flexibility to change when change is needed, create better business engagement and customer satisfaction.
  • More EnjoyableThe dynamic contribution, participation, and coordinated effort make nimble improvement groups a considerably more agreeable spot for a great many people. Rather than huge specs, we examine prerequisites in workshops.
  • Transparency - An Agile methodology gives an interesting chance to customers to be required all through the undertaking, from organizing highlights to emphasis arranging and audit sessions to visit programming fabricate containing new includes.
  • Early and Predictable Delivery - By utilizing time-boxed, fixed timetable Sprints of 1 a month, new highlights are conveyed rapidly and much of the time, with an abnormal state of consistency.
  • Predictable Costs and Schedule Because each Sprint is a fixed term, the expense is unsurprising and constrained to the measure of work that can be performed by the group in the fixed-plan time box.

Agile Testing Lifecycle

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