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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Explain the different database testing components | Software Testing

In this article, you will learn about what are the different database testing components.

Explain the different database testing components

In this article, you will learn about what are the different database testing components.

Following are the components of the database testing:

  • Database Schema
  • Transactions
  • Stored Procedures
  • Field Constraints
  • Triggers
  1. Database Schema: It is used to store working data in the database and its organization. In different words, we can say that it is nothing but just a proper classification of how data will be stored in the database. 

We can test the conditions in two different ways: 

  • One approach can be used as per the tool’s significance: We can use one tool “SchemaCrawler” for free database schema discovery. Regular expressions are an appropriate approach to verify the names of the particular fields and their values. We use the following command to verify the schema: DESC<table_name>
  • Another approach is to find the needs according to the database operators: The field name starts and ends with the explicit character. The primary keys need to be generated before any other fields. The special characters or values can or can not be inserted in the fields. 
  1. Transaction: One of the most important database testing components is a transaction. The main reason behind calling transactions essential components is we have to satisfy the ACID property. 
  2. Stored Procedure: It is parallel to user-defined functions. The complete system works in looming with the most consistent and correct result. It can be used to Execute and call procedure commands. The output is in the form of result sets. It is used for different applications at the same time. Stored procedures can be tested with the help of white-box and black-box testing. 
  3. Field Constraints: The complete system works on the default value, exclusive value, and foreign key. We can easily verify the outcome that is obtained from the SQL commands and ensure that the object condition in the database is implemented. 
  4. Triggers: It is used to implement the complete table independently to keep the result. In another way, we can also say that triggers can be auto-instructed to be executed if a specific event takes place on a precise table.
A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms