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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Cloud Computing - Research Topics

Jul 19, 2019 Cloud Computing, 6181 Views
This article is dedicated to those who wants to pursue research fields in area of Cloud Computing


Cloud Computing is a vast area, needs exploration and patience to gain the insights correctly, the Cloud Computing major will not only clear your thinking about remote access of data but also will help you to gain an understanding of better possibilities of future technology. So without wasting any more of our time let's move on to our main topic i.e, areas which are good for cloud computing research work.

  1. Cloud Security
  2. Cloud Deployment Model
  3. Cloud Scalability
  4. Cloud Analytics
  5. Load Balancing

Cloud Security

Cloud Security is one of the major in the Cloud Computing area, which tends to information technology, be at any part of technology, protecting data from the leak, disaster and theft is a huge topic to be well researched, which will lead us to safer and healthy tomorrow.


Cloud Deployment Model

Cloud Deployment Model is one of the main topics to be researched, including models as such:

  • Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Community Cloud

These models will not only help us to understand better insights of each of them but also will help us to understand the scope of the individual.


Cloud Scalability

Well, Cloud Scalability is one of the topics which needs much information before it's being researched, this topic will help to understand the cloud infrastructure possibilities and workload efficiency under pressure, to be well versed in this area, one needs to have good knowledge in areas of cloud.



Cloud Analytics

Cloud Analytics is the best option for research, evolved from a mix of analytics and cloud, it is a trend for one to be researched. The Cloud market is making this area as one of the important topics, to be a pioneer in Cloud Technologies.


Load Balancing

Load Balancing is an important region in Cloud Computing to be searched about, which essentially deals with the balancing of the load in different servers in regions, to practice this one needs to be well versed with Cloud Administration


A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms