Difference between Eastern coast and western coast | Eastern coast of India vs western coast of India

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Paper : Geography Differences FAQs | Platform : Vs or Differences FAQs | Category : General FAQs

Eastern Coast-

As the name says is located along the east coast of India. It refers to the area of land between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of Bengal. It is an extensive area covering 80 to 100 km which is more extensive than the western coast. Cyclonic storms are quite frequent on this coast but are still suitable for rice and jute cultivation. The Source of rainfall in this region is North-East monsoons. It is mainly a sandy coast with a straight shoreline. The Eastern coast runs along Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, and West Bengal.

It is also known as the Utkal coast in Odisha and the coromandel coast in Tamil Nadu.

Western Coast –

As the name says is located along the west coast of India. It covers a total range of 10 to 80 km in width and 1400 km in length. Mainly characterized by sandy beaches, dunes, alluvial deposits, lagoons, etc. It does not have deltas. The western coast is divided into three types as follows:

  • Konkan-including Goa, Mumbai, and Daman.
  • Kanara-It includes three districts-South Kanada, Udupi distinct, and North Canara.
  • Malabar Coast-also is known as the Kerala coast.

Eastern Coast

Western Coast

Runs along the east coast of India.

Runs along the west coast of India.

The elevation is lower.

Higher elevation as compared to the eastern coast.

It gets washed by the Bay of Bengal.

It gets washed by the Arabian Sea.

It has a broad and level surface from north to south.

It gets intersected by mountains.

Not ideal for making ports.

Ideal for making ports.

Receives less rainfall.

Receives heavy rainfall.

large rivers form broad deltas.

Deltas are not formed.