Food and Drinks Differences FAQs

This post lists the Food and Drinks Differences FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions and answers) also a collection of many Food and Drinks Differences FAQs .

Both Baking Powder and yeast are substances that are used for the expansion of dough by the release of gases. Carbon dioxide released by them stays as bubbles in the dough.

They are also known as a leavening agent. They both are commonly used baking ingredient in household and bakeries. Though they are used for the same purpose still are different in many ways.

Baking Powder-

It is basically a dry chemical which is a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and additional ingredients such as potato starch, and acid salts such as mono-calcium phosphate and sodium aluminium sulfate. It can also be created by mixing cream of tartar acid and baking soda. These ingredients can vary from one product to the other.

The main process that happens is an acid-base reaction in which acid combines with sodium bicarbonate and water and this causes the bubbles of carbon dioxide which in turn makes the dough rise.

There are generally two types of baking powder available on the market

  • Single-acting baking powder

    It gets activated by moisture so it should be used when immediate baking is to be done. Mix it with other ingredients and put it in the oven.
  • Double-acting Baking powder

    This on the other hand works in works in two stages and immediate baking is not necessary Because some gas is released at room temperature and some gas is released when we put the dough in the oven.


it is basically a unicellular, microorganism and is easily available in stores. Dry Active yeast is used not only in baking but also to produce alcohol by the fermentation process.

When sugar of dough combines with yeast it gets activated by warmth and air bubbles of carbon dioxide is released causing the dough to rise.

Yeast also has a lot of health benefits as it is probiotic in nature and also a source of vitamin B.

Baking Powder vs Yeast

Baking Powder


Dry chemical mixture

It is a unicellular organism

The acid-base reaction releases carbon-di-oxide

Fermentation releases carbon-dioxide

Carbon dioxide comes from (NaHCo3)

Carbon dioxide comes from sugar or carbohydrates

It has no health benefit

It Has a lot of health benefit

It is synthetic in nature

It is natural

Very easy to use

Less easy to use

Takes less time for the dough to leaven

Takes more time

Flavour and consistency of end product is not changed

Flavour and consistency of end product changes

Both baking soda and baking powder are a common part of our kitchen. The most common use of as we all know is in baking like biscuits, cakes etc.

Let's understand more about them in details:

Baking Soda-

The chemical name for baking soda is Sodium Bicarbonate. It requires acid and liquid for activation. Apart from cooking and baking, it is also used in cleaning stains, as a disinfectant and an extinguisher. It has also medicinal properties. Baking soda can also be used for fighting bad breath. We can also use it for cleaning fruits and vegetables as it removes chemical and pesticides. It is also used to treat heartburn.

Baking Powder-

It only needs liquid to get activated. It lightens the texture of baked food and increases the volume of dough. Used mainly in baking.

So let's highlight some key differences.

Baking Soda Vs Baking powder

Baking Soda

Baking Powder

IT is an agent which does not have acid and needs acid like buttermilk or citrus juice for activation.

It  is a chemical agent which has acid and base  and is used to increase the volume of the product

We can use baking powder instead of baking soda without

If we use baking soda in place of baking powder, additional ingredients needed to be added.

Used for other purposes also like cleaning, as pesticides etc

Used mainly for baking

The tongue is a sense organ that helps in identifying the taste of the food that we eat with the help of taste receptor cells. We normally identify sweet, sour, bitter and umami(a taste in protein-rich food).

Sour means, it has an acidic ph of (0 to 7)and bitter means alkaline ph of (7 to 14).

What is Bitter?

Of all the five basic taste bitter is considered the most sensitive and is often considered as unpleasant.

Bitter melon, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, dandelion greens, peels of citrus fruits are examples of bitterness. Apart from this coffee and some chocolates also have a bitter taste.

Advantages of consuming Bitter Food:

  • Helps in cleansing and detoxifying the liver
  • Reduces craving for food
  • Rich in minerals and vitamins
  • Helps in activating taste buds and increase enzyme production and bile flow which helps in digestion

What is Sour?

Sourness and acidity can often be associated together. We find sour taste in food such as orange, lemon, tamarind, vinegar, gooseberries, Kimchi, Yogurt.

Sourness depends on the amount of organic acid the food contains.

Advantages of consuming Sour Food:

  • Increases  our appetite
  • Increases nutrition absorption in our body
  • Food like yoghurt and buttermilk are also probiotic in nature
  • Tamarind for example has a lot of medicinal properties

Bitter Vs Sour



Refers to the sharp pungent taste

Refers to acidic taste

Quite unpleasant taste

Not so unpleasant

Some examples are bitter gourd, olive, peel of orange and coffee etc

Examples oranges, lemon, vinegar etc

Helps to detoxify the body

Increases mineral absorption

Bitterness is due to a chemical compound called quinine

Sourness is mainly due to the presence of organic acids in our food

Tea is by far the most popular drink of the majority of people. It has a huge variety but two types that are very popular around the world is Black Tea and Green Tea.

What is Black Tea?

It is characterised by a strong aroma and high caffeine. It is fully oxidised and then it is ready to be used. The process involves cutting the whole leaves of the tea plant when they are at peak of freshness and then it is given time to wither naturally so that water content in leaves is reduced. After this, the leaves undergo the process of fermentation so that it dries and oxidises completely. This result in a change in the chemical composition of leaves, due to which it becomes dark and has a strong aroma and taste.

What is Green Tea?

Green tea is also manufactured in approximately the same way as black tea but there is a difference in the duration of fermentation. First, the green tea leaves are allowed to wither slightly then they go through the process of pan drying, oven drying or steaming to stop oxidation. As there is no fermentation involved the green colour is retained and the flavour is light or earthy.

Black Tea vs Green Tea

Based on the above explanation lets understand the key differences below:

Black Tea

Green Tea

The process involves withering, crushing and oxidising

The process involves withering and steaming

Complete oxidisation takes place

Partial oxidization takes place

More bitter in taste

Slightly bitter in taste

Changes colour and becomes darker with strong aroma and taste

The green colour is retained and has a fresh taste

Complete oxidation of polyphenols takes place

Polyphenols are retained along with tannins, catechins and antioxidants

The colour of leaves turns dark after oxidation

Leaves remain green in colour

Caffeine content is high

Caffeine content is less

Can be had with or without milk

Milk is not added

Rice is the most common and widely grown cereal all around the world. It is the staple diet of more than half of the population all over the world. It has a lot of varieties of different flavours, sizes and colours. White rice is the most popular but with growing awareness about the health benefits of brown rice, brown rice is also getting popular.

What is Brown Rice?

Brown rice is called brown because except for the outermost hull it retains all the layers which give the grain a  slightly tan colour and has a nut-like flavour. During the process of milling the germ and bran layer is not removed and very minimal processing is done so that it remains unrefined and unpolished. Its nutrient content is very high and thus very beneficial for health.

What is White Rice?

On the other hand does not have husk, germ and bran as it is removed in the milling process leaving behind just the white kernel, which is White Rice. After this it is polished to give it a bright white colour, this results in some vitamins and minerals getting stripped off. To compensate for this loss it is later fortified with additional vitamins and minerals.

Brown Rice Vs White Rice

Now lets us summarize the key differences below in a tabular manner:

Brown Rice

White Rice

It contains all parts of grains.

It does not contain germ and bran layers.

It undergoes minimal processing.

It undergoes heavy processing.

Requires more time to cook.

It requires less time.

It cannot be stored for a long duration as it has a low shelf life.

It can be stored for a very long time.

Nutritional content is high.

Nutritional content is low.

The Glycemic index is low.

The Glycemic index is high.

Fibre content is high.

Fibre content is low.

Need to soak for at least 8-10 hours.

Need to soak for half an hour.

Carbohydrate content does not get stored as body fat so helps in losing weight.

Carbohydrate gets converted to body weight thus not ideal for losing weight.

Broth and stock are often misunderstood as the same but they are different from each other in terms of taste, consistency preparation, etc.

What is Broth?

The broth is prepared by boiling meat and bones in water along with other ingredients like carrot, celery, onion, and other herbs for some time. It has a mild subtle taste and is used in soups and other dishes like potato pasta and can also be used in place of water in various dishes to enhance taste and nutrition value. Broth can also be consumed during cold and cough.


What is Stock?

Stock is mainly used as a flavoring liquid in sauces and in soups. It enhances the consistency of dishes and adds thickness to the dishes. Stock is made from bones of chicken, fish, beef. It is not meant to be consumed alone but as an additional ingredient in various dishes.

Lets us now see some of the key differences which will help us understand in a better manner:-



It is a liquid made from meat bones and some vegetables.

Mainly bones are used and not meat.

Also used as a soup.

Cannot be consumed like a soup it is mainly added to other dishes.

Increases the taste and flavor.

Mainly enhances the consistency of other dishes.

It is cooked for a short time so that meat remains tender.

It is cooked for a long time for the bone marrow and collagen to be fully released into the liquid.

Thinner inconsistency.

Thicker inconsistency.

These are both Mexican food which looks quite similar but differs in taste flavor and ingredient.

What is Enchilada?

To prepare Enchilada a corn-based tortilla is rolled, it is then stuffed with meat, cheese, vegetables, etc, and then wrapped and served with chili sauce. Initially, it started as street food in Mexico, but it is popular in the US and Canada.

What is Burrito?

Burrito also belongs to Mexican cuisine but the tortilla is flour-based instead of corn. After filling it is steamed or grilled to make it soft. Filling consists of refried beans, meat, or Mexican rice. However, in US-style Burrito lettuce, salsa, avocado, etc are also filled. It is larger in size as compared to enchilada.



Tortilla is corn-based.

Tortilla is wheat-based.

Served by layering it with chili sauce. 

Chili sauce not used.

It has chicken or mutton filling.

The filling includes refried beans and meat. 

Folded and soaked with sauce.

Not soaked with any kind of sauce.

Eaten mostly with fork and knife.

Eaten with hands.

It has a cylinder shape. 

It looks like an envelope that completely encloses the filling.

What is Agave?

It is obtained from the blue agave plant which is widely found in desert regions of Mexico.

It is a succulent which is medium in size having green or greyish spiky leaves. It looks somewhat similar to aloe vera or cactus. At the core of this plant, honey water is found which is extracted and processed to make thick agave syrup.

Common uses are-

As a topping for fruit salads, pancakes and in many baking recipes.

Sometimes it is used instead of sugar in various products like sauces and candies.


What is Sugar?

White sugar, granulated sugar or table sugar as we all know is commonly used in all households for preparing tea, coffee, desserts. It is obtained from sugarcane plants or sugar beet. first juice is extracted and it is further processed to form sugar crystals. It undergoes bleaching and is then sold as table sugar.


Let us now analyze the differences below. 

Agave syrup

Table Sugar

It is extracted from the blue agave plant. 

We get sugar from sugarcane and beets.

Two kinds of sugars are found in it-fructose (which constitutes 60 to 80 per cent)and glucose (20 to 40 per cent).

It has an equal proportion of (glucose and fructose).

The Glycemic index is 10 to 19.

The Glycemic index is more than 50.

The calcium content in it is 72 mg per 100 g.

It is mg per 100 g.

Sodium is also present in Agave sugar.

Sodium is not present.

Vitamin c content in it is 1 mg per 100 g.

Vitamin c is not present in this.

Dietary fibre is also present.

Not present.

Consistency is like honey and dissolves easily.

It is in granular crystal form.