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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

What is Ionic Framework? | Ionic Framework

Dec 29, 2021 #IonicFramework #Framework, 1184 Views
In this article, we will cover the following pointers:What is “Ionic Framework” What is Progesssive Web App?Why should the user use the Ionic Framework?

What is Ionic Framework?

In this article, we will cover the following pointers:

  • What is “Ionic Framework” 
  • What is Progesssive Web App?
  • Why should the user use the Ionic Framework?

It was created in 2013 by Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley of Drifty Cooperation. The first stable version was released in 2014. 

What is Ionic Framework?

Ionic framework is a UI open-source toolkit. It is used in building high-quality Mobile apps and progressive web apps. The web technologies used in creating the apps are HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The concept of using a framework is to create once and run anywhere. In simple words, mobile apps and progressive web apps can run on any platform and device. 

The main focus of the Ionic framework is the front-end user experience. It is easy-breezy to learn and can easily be integrated with other libraries. It can be used without a front-end framework. It has official integration with the Angular framework but can also extend support to Vue.js and React.js. It has a complete app development tool kit that handles the look and feel of the application. 

What is Progressive Web App?

The progressive web app is a basic app that gives the feel of a native mobile app. To create the progressive web app, the developer uses the new modern web technologies to make it more attractive and deliver a better user experience. The advantages of creating this kind of apps are:

  • They are deployed on the server. 
  • They are easily accessible through URLs. 
  • They are very smoothly indexed by the search engines. 

The progressive web app has such great benefits that’s why the developers are switching more on this. 

The reasons why PWA is more optimized:

  • It loads quickly and supports offline functionality. 
  • The response time of the user query is too quick. 
  • With the help of push notifications, it makes re-engagement with the user. 

Why should the user use the Ionic framework?

Ionic framework is the best choice to create an app that has native functionality. It gives a better User experience. It can run on multiple devices and operating systems. The most elevating trump card of using the ionic framework is we don’t need to create different versions of one application. It means to create the app only once and run it on any device. With the benefit of writing the code once, it reduces the cost of maintenance and makes the app efficient and fast-paced. 


A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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