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What are the differences between Ionic 3 and Ionic 4 framework? | Ionic Framework

Jan 03, 2022 #IonicFramework #Framework, 914 Views
In this article, we will cover the major differences between Ionic 3 and Ionic 4.

What are the differences between the Ionic 3 and Ionic 4 framework?

In this article, we will cover the major differences between Ionic 3 and Ionic 4.

Ionic 3 framework 

Ionic 3 is the extended version of Ionic 1 and Ionic 2. It does not have any impactful changes in comparison to Ionic 2. The Ionic 2 version has some considerable changes. These changes have been followed by the Ionic 3 version. It has some minor changes that make the Ionic 3 version more adaptable. But over time, the framework developers realized it doesn’t make a huge impact because many developers are unfamiliar with the angular framework. The drawback of the Ionic 3 framework is that it is only compatible with angular. The Ionic 4 framework was introduced to overcome the limitation of Ionic 3.

Ionic 4 framework

Ionic 4 is the most famous version in all. It has the functionality to develop web applications along with mobile applications. It wasn’t available in Ionic 3 and other versions. It is suitable for working with vue.js and react.js. However, up to Ionic 3 is restricted with angular versions only. It adds high value to the Ionic framework. Now, the developers can easily use Ionic 4 with other frameworks too. From this version, they release the more stable versions every six months with rich functionalities and compatibility. 

Functionality Ionic 3 Framework Ionic 4 Framework
Syntax difference in Package Name The package name is written without @ symbol. 
Example: npm install @ionic/p1
The package name is written with @ symbol. 
Example: npm install @ionic/p1
Project Structure The project structure is almost equal to the angular CLI. The project structure is so different from Ionic 3. A number of files are added to make the structure more precise. 
RxJS Version It uses the later version of RxJS It uses the latest version 6 of RxJS. It makes the changes in the import paths of the core functions and operators.
Web Components Ionic 3 does not have components to use the Web APIs.  Ionic 4 is completely based on making use of Web APIs. 
Lifecycle Events  The ionViewDidLoad, ionViewCanLeave, and ionViewCanEnter are removed from the lifecycle events.  The more adaptable alternatives are introduced in the Ionic 4 version.
Navigation Changes It uses the navController for navigation It is officially routed with the angular router for navigation.

These are the major changes in the Ionic 4 version to make it more acceptable. 

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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