What are the Features and Limitations of React?
Features of React:
Apart from six important features of React such as JDX, Virtual DOM, Components, Performance, Simplicity, One-Way Data Binding. There are some more features of React which we discuss in this article. There are as follows:
React Native:
Just like React DOM, React Native is a custom renderer to React. It uses native components rather than web components such as building blocks. React Native and React have the same syntax and workflow but their components are different. It helps from transforming React code to work on Android and IOS using its features. -
Event Handling:
Without Event Handling, we would not able to create a responsive web application. So, react creates its event system compatible with the W3S object system. Instead of this Synthetic event wraps all native events which means you don’t need to worry about compatible events and fields. React events system implemented through event delegation. It also helps to reduce memory overhead. -
Life-cycle system:
As web application development, ReactJS provides life-cycle methods i.e. every component has its life-cycle. They are a series of methods that execute at different stages. It also allows executing the code at set points during component life-cycle. -
Conditional Statement:
These are the best features of React which are used in the JSX. It helps while displaying data on a web browser according to the need of a developer. -
React helps us to create dynamic UI for both websites and mobile applications. It creates a view part of MVC and also helps us to update and render some components when we want some change in it. It makes your code even more readable and simple to debug. -
React Hooks:
It allows the developer to hook into React state and life-cycle features from components. It also allows using React without class as hooks didn’t run inside the classes. -
one of the most important features of React that helps the developer towards its application work easier. In these, we can debug the component in the web application. For its easy use, Facebook provides a browser extension that makes it easier and works faster. It can easily inspect every component directly. -
It offers complete application architecture support after rendering client-site web application on the server. React Native also introduced which used to create a cross-compatible mobile application. -
Best for SEO:
Most of the projects works on JS are not SEO friendly. But using React, it gives developer facility to develop UI that can be browser at any search engine. -
JavaScript Expression:
It is used in the JSX file using curly brackets {}.
Limitation of React:
React Technology accelerates so fast so that it cannot make proper documentation of the project. So, the developer tries to write the instruction on its own.
React focus on the view part of MVC i.e. UI of the web application. So, to overcome these that to focus on other development we need other tooling set technologies.
React also have a large size library.
As some of the command or syntax has to be part of JavaScript as CONDITIONAL BLOCKS, which are not allowed in JSX part of the documents.
HTML attributes names are in a case insensitive. So, we have to ensure this using names.
In React, some standard functions will not able to use state effectively instead of that we go for the use of ES6.
Extension of the files can be emitted only to the JavaScript files so that to ensure that every CSS file imported in ReactJS.
Some developer thinks JSX as a barrier especially new developer because they have a complaint about the complexity in a learning curve.