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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Shortcut Keys Cheat sheet - SSMS

Jul 13, 2020 SQL, Cheat Sheet, SSMS, Shortcut Keys , 9019 Views
In this article, I would like to share a few shortcut keys which are really useful for day to day usage in SQL Server Management Studio, which will improve your productivity.


In this article, I would like to share a few shortcut keys which are really useful for day to day usage in SQL Server Management Studio, which will improve your productivity.

Main Menu Bar

Main Menus in SSMS

To access the Main menu bar controls, the following are the shortcut keys,

Sl. No Shortcut Keys Actions
1 Alt+D+Enter Opens Debug
2 Alt+E Opens Edit
3 Alt+F Opens File
4 Alt+H Opens Help
5 Alt+P Opens Project
6 Alt+Q Opens Query
7 Alt+T Opens Tools
8 Alt+V Opens View
9 Alt+W Opens Window

Query Window

Query Window in SSMS

The following shortcuts can be used within the Query Window

Sl. No Shortcut Keys Actions
1 Alt+N Opens new Query Window
2 Alt+X To Execute Query Statement
3 Alt+F1 Executes sp_help System Stored procedure
4 Alt+F4 To Exit from SSMS
5 Alt+F5 To Debug Statement
6 Alt+F8 To Open Server in Object Explorer
7 Ctrl+A To Select All in the Query Window
8 Ctrl+C To Copy the selected part in the window
9 Ctrl+E To Execute the statements in the window
10 Ctrl+F To access Quick Find
11 Ctrl+G To access Go To Line
12 Ctrl+H To access Quick Replace
13 Ctrl+I To access Incremental Search
14 Ctrl+J To Show List Members
15 Ctrl+L To display the Estimated Execution Plan
16 Ctrl+N To open new Query Window
17 Ctrl+O To Open File from PC
18 Ctrl+P To Print
19 Ctrl+S To Save current Query Window
20 Ctrl+U To change Database
21 Ctrl+V To Paste the copied content
22 Ctrl+W To select a word
23 Ctrl+X To Cut
24 Ctrl+Y To Redo
25 Ctrl+Z To Undo
26 Ctrl+1 Executes sp_who System Stored Procedure
27 Ctrl+2 Executes sp_lock System Stored procedure
28 Ctrl+Alt+A To access Activity Monitor Window
29 Ctrl+Alt+B To access Breakpoints Window
30 Ctrl+Alt+G To access Registered Server Window
31 Ctrl+Alt+I To access Intermediate Window
32 Ctrl+Alt+K To access Task List Window
33 Ctrl+Alt+L To access Solution Explorer
34 Ctrl+Alt+O To access Output Window
35 Ctrl+Alt+R To access Web Browser
36 Ctrl+Alt+T To access Template Explorer
37 Ctrl+Alt+X To access ToolBox window
38 Ctrl+Alt+Space To Complete Intelligence Suggestion
39 Ctrl+Alt+F1 To access Help Library Window
40 Ctrl+Delete To Delete End of Line
41 Ctrl+End To Reach End of the Statement
42 Ctrl+F4 To Close Current Query Window
43 Ctrl+F5 To Parse the Query
44 Ctrl+Shift+F9 To remove Bookmarks
45 Tab To Increase Indent
46 Shift+Tab To Decrease Indent
47 F7 To Open Object Explorer Details
48 Shift+Alt+Enter Full Screen of Current Query Window
49 F4 To access Properties Window
50 F5 To Execute Query


In this article, we had a look at the important shortcut keys in SSMS. I hope you all found Informative and please try to use shortcut keys, so you can save your time. Please leave comments and thoughts.

Thanks for reading !!!! Happy Learning !!!!!!

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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