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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

React Vs Vue

Jul 21, 2020 ReactJS, React, Vue, React Vs Vue, 2971 Views
In this article, we'll learn the difference between React and Vue

Before starting the discussion on the difference between both, Let first start what is Vue? As we discuss in the previous article about What is React? What-is-React-Introduction-to-React

What is Vue?

Same as React, Vue or Vue.js is one of the best frameworks for JavaScript. It is a front-end framework. Vue is planned from the beginning to be steadily adoptable. The main library is centered around the view layer just, and is anything but difficult to get and coordinate with different libraries or existing activities.

Features of Vue

  • Flexibility: It gives trouble-free relocation, essential, and productive structure.
  • Transition: They help in making custom components that can be reused in HTML.
  • Component: Various techniques are given in Vue.js to apply a change to HTML segments when they are incorporated or removed from the DOM.
  • Definite Documentation: It gives a straightforward expectation to absorb information through the point by point documentation.

React Vs Vue

The difference is as follows:

  • React is an open-source, flexible JavaScript library for building UI components whereas Vue is an open-source library for building a single application and user interface.
  • React was created by Jordan Walke, developed in 2011, and released in May 2013 while Vue was created by Evan You and introduced in February 2014.
  • React used JavaScript/ JavaScript XML as a language preference whereas Vue used HTML/ JavaScript.
  • React allows one-way data binding which means It flows in a single direction and the model can only change the state while in Vue, it supports both one-way and two-way data binding i.e. If UI component changes then the model will also be changed automatically.
  • According to flexibility, React has more flexibility than Vue to support the third-party libraries.
  • React coding style used JSX for writing JavaScript Expression where it takes everything as Component and each component have their lifecycle methods while Vue coding style different from React where it separates HTML, JS, and CSS that gives an advantage to the web developer.
  • React uses a third-party CLI tool which helps him to create new apps and components while Vue has limited tooling support.
  • The speed of React is Normal compare to Vue which is fast and smooth.
  • As a State Management library is called MobX in React and Vue, is called as VueX
  • The size of the React library is approx. 100 Kilobytes whereas the size of the Vue library is approx. 60 Kilobytes.
  • According to the latest version, React has React 16.8.6 released on March 27, 2019, whereas Vue has Vue 2.6.10 released on March 20, 2019.
  • Companion used React are PayPal, Netflix, Airbnb, Instagram, etc. Compansion used Vue are Alibaba, GitLab, Trustpilot, etc.
A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms