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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

What is React? | Introduction to React

In The Article, we will learn about what is React, a brief history and its features

What is React?

Introduction to React 

React is an open-source Javascript library that is used to develop User Interface(UI) which means the point of human-computer interaction. It is also a component-based i.e. react application is made of pieces that are called component due to that the work becomes easier that we can change any component at any time without affecting the rest, that was responsible for the application view layer for a single web page and mobile app.

It allows some facility to the developer as changing the data without refreshing the page during creating React Application. Its main objective is to improve the speed of the app concerning scalability and simplicity. We can use it on the client and server-side. To start with React, there is some prerequisite towards it like most important we have proper knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JS. 


fig. MVC Architecture 

It deals with the view components of MVC (Model- View- Controller). In MVC architecture, the view layer is responsible for how the app looks and feels. It is made up of multiple components i.e. a mixture of HTML and JavaScript both. It works the same us jQuery/ Angular do but their fundamental and way of doing is different. Examples of libraries are Redux and React Router. It is also called ReactJS, and react.js

History of React

React was invented by Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook. The first time it was used for Facebook newsfeed to get responsive. In 2011, the developer released a proto-type called “FaxJS” which shipped a search element on Facebook. He was influenced by XHP which allows creating a composite component that was a sign of React in 2010.

It was first picked by Facebook in 2011 and later on by Instagram for its system. In 2013, Facebook decided to make it open-source at JSConf US. On July 30, 2013, React and JSX available for ruby and later on available for python application on August 19, 2013. In 2015, at JS Conf React Native introduced which makes easy development with Android and ISO application, and in the same year, it becomes open-source.

Towards its version React 16.0 released on 26 September 2017. Later on 16 February 2019, another version released React 16.8 and also released React Hooks.

Why we use React?

The fundamental goal of ReactJS is to create User Interfaces (UI) that improves the speed of the applications. It uses virtual DOM, which improves the performance of the application. It uses components and information designs that improve clarity and assists with keeping up bigger applications.

Features of a React


The important features of React are as follows:

  • JSX:
    It stands for JavaScript XML. JSX is the combination of XML+JavaScript. It gives an advantage to the developer to allow them to have HTML code inside the component in the JavaScript code. Due to that, it makes it easier to understand and write new components.

  • Components:
    React depends upon components i.e. React is made up of multiple components that have their logic and controls. They are also reusable code with some modifications that can use by the developer again.

  • Virtual DOM:
    DOM(Document object model) is used in the HTML document as a tree structure in which each node represents the part of the document. Virtual DOM also likes DOM that lists the elements and their attributes in the tree structure. If there is an update done on the web, the entire UI is re-rendered. After it all done, real DOM updates only things that have changed. It makes application faster.

  • One-way data-binding:
    ReactJS follows unidirectional data flow or one-way data-binding. It keeps everything simple and fasts. It also gives data flow in a single direction which gives us proper control over it. As the developer its an advantage that where and when an error occurs so that becomes more flexible and increases efficiency.

  • Simplicity:
    Due to the use of the JSX file, it gives advantages that make an application code simple to write as well as understandable. The react component-based approach helps us to reuse the code as your need.

  • Performance:
    It uses Virtual DOM, that makes web application run much faster. There is also one more feature is that reacts breaks complex UI into simple components that give the advantage to work multiple users on it.
A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms