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How to install android Studio?

Oct 08, 2020 #android#androidStudio, 3119 Views
Installation of an android studio and description of other prerequisites.

How to install Android Studio or another ide for developing a mobile application?

The development of a mobile application needs a prerequisite that is JDK. The two platforms are used to create an application Eclipse ide and android studio. The mobile application developers face many problems with the Eclipse ide. To overcome all the difficulties, the android studio was introduced taking consideration of the developer obscure.

Steps to install the android studio:

  • Different Operating System.

For Windows: ohttps://developer.android.com/studioWindow user can download the android studio from the link.


For Linux: Download a .zip file in an appropriate location. To launch an android studio in your system, open the terminal and execute studio.sh command.

For MaC: Download the DGM file. To launch the android studio in MaC, drag and drop the android studio in your application folder. Select whether you want to change or import the previous settings of the android studio. Click on OK.

  • The apprehension is related to the installation of an android studio on the windows operating system. Once you download the android studio from the above-given link in your system. Follows the steps mention below.
    • Click open on the download. The android studio setup is visible. You need to click on Next.

Click on the component you want to install in your system. Mostly, Android Virtual Device is checked and press on Next.

Select the location where you can install an android studio. Press on next once done with the location.  

You can create a shortcut to the program. Allowed to give a new name to the program. Click on install.

Install the required files.


Now, you need to download the Gradle which the most important component to build an application. The Gradle compresses the file into one file, then builds an application and installs it into the phone. Gradle is used to automate building, testing, and deployment. It automates the task one after the another. SDK is another important collection of software development tools and libraries. These are the required tools for the development of an android application.

How to create your first “Hello world” Application?

  • Open android studio, select the type of activity you want.

  • Enter the name of the application.

The other ide is Eclipse. To install Java on Eclipse the prerequisite is JDK which is also necessary to run java on an android studio. Download an Eclipse ide from browser. You just need to press the next again until the installation comes to its end. Follow the instructions and go on with the next button. Hence, the ide is installed.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms