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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Ember Js Introduction | Ember Js Tutorials

In this article, you'll learn all about ember js in a quick time. this is an ember js tutorial series

What is Ember.js?

It is an open-source and free framework of the JavaScript client-side. It is used in developing a web application of client-side JavaScript. It serves as a complete solution for managing the data along with the application flow. It permits us to develop a client-side JavaScript Application.

What is Ember Js?

Who can learn Ember.js?

Anyone can learn Ember.js. But if you are a software developer it is easy for you to understand and grab the concepts of the framework. You will get enough knowledge of all the basic concepts of Ember.js.

What is the basic prerequisite required to learn Ember.js?

To understand the concepts efficiently, you must be aware of the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and any other text. It will help you to understand the components in a clear way.

History of Ember.js

Initially, it was named as a SproutCore MVC framework. Yehuda Katz is the founder. In December 2011, Yehuda Katz released the first version of Ember.js. It follows the MVVM (Model-view ViewModel) pattern. The most recent version is 3.20.0 that is released on July 29, 2020.

Importance of Ember.js

It has its importance. Try to understand it with the following points:
•    It is a free and open-source framework underneath the MIT license.
•    It provides the new syntax with the help of the HTMLBars template engine.
•    It also focuses on increasing the rendering speed by using the Glimmer rendering engine.
•    It also comes up with a command-line utility that helps in the faster development of an application.
•    It also updates the property automatically, if one property changes as it establishes a link between the two properties.

Features of Ember.js

Ember.js has some noteworthy features:

•    Reusable and maintainable application of JavaScript can be easily developed by Ember.js
•    It uses HTML and CSS for the fundamental development of the application.
•    URL’s are managed by one of its core components known as routes.
•    It also provides a debugging tool.
•    It uses the kind of template that updates the information automatically whenever the content of an application gets changed.

Why is preferable for creating a web application?

It is used in many well-known websites such as LinkedIn, Vine, Apple Music, Twitch and so on. It is very simple to create a desktop and mobile application with the help of Ember.js

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