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MIT Develops A New AI Language - GEN

MIT researchers have developed a new programming language designed for computer vision, robotics and statistics - "Gen".

Gen is a novel probabilistic-programming system, MIT researchers claim,  it allows you to write models and algorithms without having to deal with equations or manually write high-performance code. It will also help expert researchers in writing sophisticated models and inference algorithms, required for prediction tasks and were previously infeasible.

"One motivation of this work is to make automated AI more accessible to people with less expertise in computer science or math," says first author Marco Cusumano-Towner

The team behind the Gen said that it is a package for Julia. Its multiple modeling languages are implemented as DSLs in Julia and it is a Julia library for inference programming as well.

The new language eases the use of probabilistic modeling and inference. Gen provides you with modeling languages in which you can express models, and high-level programming constructs to automate aspects of inference. It's capabilities unify symbolic, neural, probabilistic, and simulation-based approaches to modeling and inference.

Interestingly, Intel is already collaborating with MIT to use Gen for 3-D pose estimation.  The company plans to use Gen's 3-D estimation from its depth-sense cameras that are used in robotics and augmented-reality systems.




