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All Windows and Mac users will receive automatic updates from Zoom

Zoom plans to offer automatic updates to its users.

Zoom has finally incorporated automatic updates, the awaited update. Rather than having to maintain Zoom manually, the application will do it for you, freeing you to focus on getting to meetings on time. In a blog post, Zoom's Jeromie Clark wrote, "We're thrilled to disclose we're introducing an automatic update tool meant to simplify this approach and assist making security incredibly easy."

How to activate automatic Zoom updates? 

Step 1. To activate automatic updates, head to your Zoom application's Settings and enable "Automatically keep my Zoom up to date." 

Step 2. After that, you'll be prompted to input admin details, which you'll only have to enter once to activate the setting.

If a new version of Zoom is released, Zoom will ask you to update while you're not in a meeting. This eliminates the necessity for you to manually keep it up to date every time. Rather than waiting until you learn about an update or search to know whether there's the latest version, you'll be allowed to acquire the new features and any security patches as soon as they're introduced.

Zoom also supports a variety of updating options. There's a Slow option that's turned on by default. This option includes fewer updates and puts a greater emphasis on reliability. The Fast option lets you access the new features as soon as they are released, but it may arrive at the expense of reliability.
