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Raspberry Pi


What is Raspberry Pi?


Raspberry Pi (Pi stands for Python) is a single board low cost computer that can be used as fully-fledged computer by connecting computer monitor or LCD, keyboard and mouse. It can do everything that a desktop computer can do from playing games, browsing internet to making spreadsheets, word-processing by consuming size equals to a men wallet.


Why Raspberry Pi?

You might be thinking if I have a fully-fledged desktop computer then why I would use Raspberry Pi?

Things that make Raspberry Pi unique is its small size, low cost, and GPIO pins.

Raspberry Pi is very small that results in consume less space and low cost make it easily available to everyone, Raspberry Pi is made for educational purpose that enables people of different ages to learn how computer and programming language works. One more thing that make Raspberry Pi unique is its GPIO pins that can be programmed to control different devices. GPIO pins make it possible for the user to give output to different devices and take input from different sensors which make it easier to interact with external environment.

Raspberry Pi and Raspbian:

Raspberry Pi can run different OS but Raspbian OS is official supported OS developed for Raspberry Pi.

Raspbian is debian based Linux distribution which comes with pre-installed plenty of programs for programming, education and general purpose i.e. Python, Scratch, Sonic pi, Java and more.

Raspberry Pi boot Raspbian as soon as you power it, after booting you can access the GUI of Raspberry Pi (Assuming that you have connected any output device to Raspberry Pi i.e. LCD).

You can use Raspberry Pi for your normal work or you can upload your programs in to control different devices via GPIO pins.