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Python – Strings

Strings are the most popular types in Python. We can create string simply by enclosing the characters in quotes. String in the python are surrounded by either single quotation marks or double quotation marks. Square brackets may be used to access elements of the string. Creating strings is simple as the assigning a value to a variable.

For example −

var1 = 'Hello Python!'

var2 = "Python language”


String Special Operators

Assume string variable a holds 'Hello' and variable b holds 'Python', then −:





Concatenation - Adds values on either side of the operator

a + b will give HelloPython


Repetition - Creates new strings, concatenating multiple copies of the same string

a*2 will give -HelloHello


Slice - Gives the character from the given index

a[1] will give e

[ : ]

Range Slice - Gives the characters from the given range

a[1:4] will give ell


Membership - Returns true if a character exists in the given string

H in a will give 1

not in

Membership - Returns true if a character does not exist in the given string

M not in a will give 1


Raw String - Suppresses actual meaning of Escape characters. The syntax for raw strings is exactly the same as for normal strings with the exception of the raw string operator, the letter "r," which precedes the quotation marks. The "r" can be lowercase (r) or uppercase (R) and must be placed immediately preceding the first quote mark.

print r'\n' prints \n and print R'\n'prints \n


Format - Performs String formatting

See at next section