4x4 Keypad Module




4x4 keypad is a module used with different programmable boards for used for loading numbers as an input. It consists of 16 buttons in form of four lines and four columns.

Components Required:

  • Arduino UNO
  • Jumper wires
  • 4x4 Keypad Module

Connecting with Arduino:

 4x4 keypad consists of 8 pins:

  • 1-4 pins are rows
  • 5-8 pins are column


  • Connect PIN 1 of keypad to PIN 2 of Arduino
  • Connect PIN 2 of keypad to PIN 3 of Arduino
  • Connect PIN 3 of keypad to PIN 4 of Arduino
  • Connect PIN 4 of keypad to PIN 5 of Arduino
  • Connect PIN 5 of keypad to PIN 6 of Arduino
  • Connect PIN 6 of keypad to PIN 7 of Arduino
  • Connect PIN 7 of keypad to PIN 8 of Arduino
  • Connect PIN 8 of keypad to PIN 9 of Arduino




Adding keypad library:

  • Click on Sketches -->>Include library--> then type “keypad”
  • Click install


  • Copy the code below and paste in Arduino IDE
  • Click on Upload

Recording output:

  • Open serial monitor
  • Press button of 4x4 keypad