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Microsoft Azure Essentials, Fundamentals of Azure Second Edition

Microsoft Azure Essentials, Fundamentals of Azure, Second Edition covers the fundamental of Azure and it provides a right way to start building appliations

246 Pages
8.7 MB
Published By Microsoft Press
Michael S. Collier and Robin E. Shahan

Microsoft Azure Essentials, Fundamentals of Azure, Second Edition covers the fundamentals and basics of Azure Applications and it provides a path to building Azure applications in a right way. It describes features of the Azure platform that you are most likely to need to know rather than on every feature and service available on the platform. This book also provides several walkthroughs you can follow to learn how to create VMs and virtual networks, websites and storage accounts, and so on. In many cases, real-world tips are included to help you get the most out of your Azure experience.

Topics Covers:

  • Getting started with Microsoft Azure
  • Azure App Service and Web Apps
  • Azure Virtual Machines
  • Azure Storage
  • Azure Virtual Networks
  • Databases
  • Azure Active Directory
  • Management tools 
  • Additional Azure services
  • Business cases.