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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

C# Constructor and Properties | C# Tutorials

Dec 19, 2020 C#, CSharp, Shibam Dhar, 5384 Views
C# Constructor and Properties

C# Constructor and Properties | C# Tutorials

A class constructor is a special member method of a class that is executed whenever a new object if that class is created. It is used to initialize objects. The constructor in C# has the same name as class or struct.

class TutorialsLink


  // Constructor

  public TutorialsLink () {}



// an object is created of Geek class,

// So above constructor is called

TutorialsLink obj = new TutorialsLink ();

There are a few things that are needed to keep in mind while working with constructors.

  • The name of the class and constructor of the class should have the same name.
  • A constructor cannot be abstract.
  • One static constructor can be created inside a class.
  • There is no return type for a constructor, not even void.
  • A single class can have one or more than one constructors.

There can be many types of constructors but the most used are two types of constructors:

  1. Default constructors: It has no arguments and is invoked at the time of creating objects.
  2. Parameterized Constructors: It has arguments and is used to provide different values to distinct objects.

Others are:

  • Copy Constructor: This constructor makes an item by replicating factors from another article. Its primary use is to instate another example to the estimations of a current occurrence.
  • Private Constructor: In the event that a constructor is made with a private specifier is known as a Private Constructor. It isn't workable for different classes to get from this class and furthermore it's unrealistic to make a case for this class.

There are few things about Private Constructors which is needed to be taken care of-

      • It is the implementation of a singleton class pattern.
      • When we have only static members use a private constructor.
      • Using a private constructor can prevent the creation of instances of that class.
  • Static Constructor: Static Constructor must be conjured just a single time in the class and it has been summoned during the production of the principal reference to a static part in the class. A static constructor is instated static fields or information of the class and to be executed just a single time.

Example (Parameterized constructor)

// parameterized constructor.

using System;

namespace ParameterizedConstructorExample {

class TutorialsLink {

                String name;

                int id;

                TutorialsLink (String name, int id)


                                this.name = name;

                                this.id = id;


                // Main Method

                public static void Main()


                                // This will invoke parameterized

                                // constructor.

                                TutorialsLink  tutorialslink1 = new TutorialsLink ("GFG", 1);

                                Console.WriteLine("Username = " + tutorialslink1.name +

                                                                                                " and User-Id = " + tutorialslink1.id);




Properties in C#

A property is a member that provides a flexible mechanism to read, write, or compute the value of a private field.

Properties can be used as if they are public data members but they actually include special methods called accessors.

The accessor helps in getting or setting a corresponding field.

Class TutorialsLink {

        private string name ;

      public string Name ;


                    get { return name;}

                   set { name = value;}



Once the property is defined, we can use it to assign and read private members.

state void Main ( string {} arg)


                TutorialsLink T = new TutorialsLink();

                T.Name = “Sam”;


A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms