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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

What is Redux and Its Most Asked Points in Short

Apr 28, 2020 React, ReactJs, Redux, 6060 Views
In this article you'll see, What is Redux and How to use for state management?

What is Redux? ⁣
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Redux is a JS library to manage our application state. ⁣ ⁣
👩🏼‍💻Can Redux replace React, Vue, or Angular? ⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⁣
No, Redux does not replace our current library or framework but complements it for better state management. ⁣
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👨🏼‍💻What are actions in Redux? ⁣
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Actions are the way we will interact with our data. Through our actions, we can dispatch a modification to our reducer based on user interaction with our web application. ⁣
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👨🏽‍🏫How do you dispatch an action? ⁣
We use a dispatcher to dispatch an action. Our dispatched action will have the action and the state that the reducer will handle. ⁣
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👩🏽‍💻What is a reducer? ⁣
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A reducer is a function that determines changes to an application's state, it makes a new copy of your data based on the action it receives. ⁣
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👩🏻‍🏫Where is the state being stored? ⁣
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A store holds the whole state tree of your application. The only way to change the state inside it is to dispatch an action on it. ⁣
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🤑Key selling points to use Redux? ⁣
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📌Single source of truth for application state. ⁣
📌The state is read-only which makes it less error-prone. ⁣
📌Easy to share state across your entire application. ⁣
📌Keeps historic data of how your state has changed which makes it easier for debugging. ⁣
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As you might have guessed I am a fanatic of Redux (when needed)! There's so much to learn about Redux but this is a good start. ⁣

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms