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What is Cardano ? | All about Cardano in Short | Crypto Currency Cardano

Jun 26, 2021 Cardano, 13799 Views
What is Cardano ? | All about Cardano in Short | Crypto Currency Cardano

What is Cardano?

Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform.  It is the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and was developed through the evidence-based methods. It combines sustainability to decentralized applications, systems, and societies and pioneering technologies to provide unparalleled security.

When was Cardano invented ?

The currency debuted with a market cap of $600 million. Cardano was funded through an initial coin offering. By the end of year 2017, market cap was of $10 billion, and it quickly reached a value of $33 billion in 2018 before a general tightening of the crypto market which has dropped its value back to $10 billion.

Importance of Cardano ?

Cardano uses a proof-of-stake protocol in contrast to Bitcoin and Ethereum which uses the  proof-of-work protocols. Proof-of-stake blockchains use significantly less energy in comparison to proof-of-work chains. Unusually, Cardano does not have a white paper but instead it uses design principles which are intended to improve upon the issues faced by other cryptocurrencies, such as scalability,etc.

Future of Cardano?

According to the prediction of Coinpedia’s contributor Sahana Vibhute, there's apparently a case to be made for Cardano at $10, and not after many years but only after several months. By the end of year 2021, it could hit the double-digit value. And by the end of 2022, it could be $22 per each unit.

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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms