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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

What is C# (C Sharp ) programming language?

Aug 06, 2019 C#, CSharp Programming, 2591 Views
In this Article, we'll learn what is C# Programming language and it's history.

C# is a simple, OOPS based programming language developed by Microsoft. C# enables developers to build various types of secure and robust applications that run on the .NET Framework. Some of the applications build using C# are as follows:

  • Console Application
  • Web Application
  • Desktop Application
  • Windows Form Application
  • Mobile Application
    1. Android
    2. IOS
  • Xamarin
  • Web services

C# History:

C# is an Object-Oriented Programming Language developed by Microsoft in the year 2002 with .NET framework 1.0. Hence, the first C# version was 1.0 which was more like JAVA. The current C# version is 8.0. The following table enlists the important features of each C# version.

C# Version

.NET Framework

Visual Studio

Important Features

C# 1.0

.NET Framework 1.0/1.1

Visual Studio 2002

·       Basic features

C# 2.0

.NET Framework 2.0

Visual Studio 2005

·       Generics

·       Partial types

·       Anonymous methods

·       Iterators

·       Nullable types

·       Covariance and contra-variance

C# 3.0

.NET Framework 3.0/3.5

Visual Studio 2008

·      Auto-implemented properties

·      Anonymous types

·      Extension methods

·      Query expressions

·      Lambda expressions

·      Expression trees


C# 4.0

.NET Framework 4.0

Visual Studio 2010

·      Dynamic binding (late binding)

·      Named and optional arguments

·      Generic co and contra-variance

·      Embedded interop types

C# 5.0

.NET Framework 4.5

Visual Studio 2012/2013

·      Async Features

·      Caller information

C# 6.0

.NET Framework 4.6

Visual Studio 2013/2015

·      Static imports

·      Exception Filters

·      Property initializers

·      Expression bodied members

·      Null propagator

·      String interpolation

·      Nameof operator

·      Dictionary initializer

C# 7.0

.NET Core

Visual Studio 2017

·      Out variables

·      Tuples

·      Discards

·      Pattern Matching

·      Local Functions

·      Generalized async return types

·      Throw Expressions


We will learn about these mentioned features in upcoming lessons.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms