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Top 25 interview questions of Azure

Jun 09, 2021 Top 25 interview questions of Azure, 6568 Views
Top 25 interview questions of Azure

Top 25 interview questions of Azure

Q1.What are the different cloud deployment models?

Following are the three cloud deployment models:

Public Cloud: The infrastructure is owned by your cloud provider and the server that you are using could be a multi-tenant system.

Private Cloud: The infrastructure is owned by you or your cloud provider gives you that service exclusively. For eg: Hosting your website on your servers, or hosting your website with the cloud provider on a dedicated server.

Hybrid Cloud: When you use both Public Cloud, Private Cloud together, it is called Hybrid Cloud. For Example: Using your in-house servers for confidential data, and the public cloud for hosting your company’s public facing website. This type of setup would be a hybrid cloud.

Q2.What is Azure Cloud Service?

By creating a cloud service, you can deploy a multi-tier web application in Azure, defining multiple roles to distribute processing and allow flexible scaling of your application. A cloud service consists of one or more web roles and/or worker roles, each with its own application files and configuration. Azure Websites and Virtual Machines also enable web applications on Azure. The main advantage of cloud services is the ability to support more complex multi-tier architectures.

Q3.What are the deployment environments offered by Azure?

Staging Environment:

  • It provides a platform to validate changes to your application before it can be made live in the production environment
  • In this stage, the app can be identified using the Azure’s Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) in URL form (GUID.cloudapp.net) 

Production Environment:

  • This environment is used to store the live application
  • It can be differentiated from the staging environment with an URL that’s more DNS friendly (servicename.cloudapp.net)

Q4.What is Csrun?

It is a command-line tool that deploys a packaged application to the Windows Azure compute emulator and manages the running service.

Q5.Name some important applications of Microsoft Azure

Most important application of Microsoft Azure are:

Infrastructure Services, Mobile Apps, Web Applications, Cloud Services, Storage, Media Services, etc.

Q6.What Is Cspack?

It is a command-line tool that generates a service package file (.cspkg) and prepares an application for deployment, either to Windows Azure or to the compute emulator.

Q7.What is Azure Diagnostics?

Azure Diagnostics is the API that enables you to collect diagnostic data from applications running in Azure. Azure Diagnostics must be enabled for cloud service roles in order for verbose monitoring to be turned on.

Q8.What is Windows Azure compute emulator?

The compute emulator is a local emulator of Windows Azure that you can use to build and test your application before deploying it to Windows Azure.

Q9.What is Blob?

BLOB stands for Binary Large Object. Blob is a file of any type and size.
The Azure Blob Storage offers two types of blobs:

  1. Block Blob
  2. Page Blob

URL format: Blobs are addressable using the following URL format:

Q10.Why is Azure Active Directory used?

Azure Active Directory is an Identity and Access Management system. It is used to grant access to your employees to specific products and services in your network. For example: Salesforce.com, twitter etc. Azure AD has some in-built support for applications in its gallery which can be added directly.

Q11.What is a VNet?

VNet is a representation of your own network in the cloud. It logically isolates your instances launched in the cloud, from the rest of your resources.

Q12.What is table storage in Windows Azure?

The Windows Azure Table storage service stores large amounts of structured data.
The service is a NoSQL data store that accepts authenticated calls from inside and outside the Windows Azure cloud.
Windows Azure tables are ideal for storing structured, non-relational data

  • Table: A table is a collection of entities. Tables don’t enforce a schema on entities, which means a single table can contain entities that have different sets of properties. An account can contain many tables
  • Entity: An entity is a set of properties, similar to a database row. An entity can be up to 1MB in size.
  • Properties: A property is a name-value pair. Each entity can include up to 252 properties to store data. Each entity also has 3 system properties that specify a partition key, a row key, and a timestamp.
    Entities with the same partition key can be queried more quickly, and inserted/updated in atomic operations. An entity’s row key is its unique identifier within a partition.

Q13.What are the advantages of Scaling in Azure?

Azure performs scaling with the help of a feature known as Autoscaling. Autoscaling helps to deal with changing demands in Cloud Services, Mobile Services, Virtual Machines, and Websites. Below are a few of its advantages:

  • Maximizes application performance
  • Scale up or down based on demand
  • Schedule scaling to particular time periods
  • Highly cost-effective

Q14. What are the types of Queues offered by Azure?

Azure offers two types of queues:

Storage Queues:

  • It is a part of Azure’s Storage infrastructure
  • It provides messaging within and between services
  • It is best suited when users need to store more than 80 GB of messages in queues 
  • It can provide side logs of all transactions executed against the user’s queues

Service Bus Queues:

  • It is a part of Azure’s messaging infrastructure
  • It integrates application or application components that span multiple communication protocols, network environments, etc.
  • It provides a FIFO style of delivery
  • The user’s queue size has to remain under 80 GB

Q15.What are Break-fix issues in Microsoft Azure?

In, Microsoft Azure, all the technical problem is called break-fix issues. This term uses when "work involved in support a technology when it fails in the normal course of its function.

Q16.How To Programmatically Scale Out Azure Worker Role Instances?

Using AutoScaling Application Block.

Q17.What Is Deadletter Queue?

Messages are placed on the deadletter sub-queue by the messaging system in the following scenarios.

  • When a message expires and deadlettering for expired messages is set to true in a queue or subscription.
  • When the max delivery count for a message is exceeded on a queue or subscription.
  • When a filter evaluation exception occurs in a subscription and deadlettering is enabled on filter evaluation exceptions.

Q18.What Is Link A Resource ?

To show your cloud service’s dependencies on other resources, such as an Azure SQL Database instance, you can “link” the resource to the cloud service. In the Preview Management Portal, you can view linked resources on the Linked Resources page, view their status on the dashboard, and scale a linked SQL Database instance along with the service roles on the Scale page. Linking a resource in this sense does not connect the resource to the application; you must configure the connections in the application code.

Q19.What Is Azure Service Level Agreement (sla) ?

The Azure Compute SLA guarantees that, when you deploy two or more role instances for every role, access to your cloud service will be maintained at least 99.95 percent of the time. Also, detection and corrective action will be initiated 99.9 percent of the time when a role instance’s process is not running.

Q20.State the difference between repetitive and minimal monitoring.

Verbose monitoring collects metrics based on performance. It allows a close analysis of data fed during the process of application.

On the other hand, minimal monitoring is a default configuration method. It makes the user of performance counters gathered from the operating system of the host.

Q21.What is the Federation in Azure SQL?

SQL Azure Federation provides tools that can enable developers to access or share databases among themselves in SQL Azure.

  • It enables users to take advantage of resources within the cloud
  • It allows users to have their own database or share databases amongst each other
  • It reduces the possibility of a single point of failure
  • It provides cost-effectiveness, by using cloud resources only when needed

Q22.What is Azure Redis Cache?

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. Azure Redis Cache is based on the popular open-source Redis cache. It gives you access to a secure, dedicated Redis cache, managed by Microsoft, and accessible from any application within Azure.  It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries.Apart from this Azure Interview Questions Blog, if you want to get trained from professionals on this technology, you can opt for a structured training from edureka! Click below to know more.

Q23.How to create a Network Security Group and a Network Security Group Rule?

# Create an inbound network security group rule for port 3389
$nsgRuleRDP = New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name myNetworkSecurityGroupRuleRDP -Protocol Tcp `
 -Direction Inbound -Priority 1000 -SourceAddressPrefix * -SourcePortRange * -DestinationAddressPrefix * `
 -DestinationPortRange 3389 -Access Allow

# Create an inbound network security group rule for port 80
$nsgRuleWeb = New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name myNetworkSecurityGroupRuleWWW -Protocol Tcp `
 -Direction Inbound -Priority 1001 -SourceAddressPrefix * -SourcePortRange * -DestinationAddressPrefix * `
 -DestinationPortRange 80 -Access Allow

# Create a network security group
$nsg = New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroup -Location EastUS `
 -Name myNetworkSecurityGroup -SecurityRules $nsgRuleRDP,$nsgRuleWeb

Q24.What is Azure Service Fabric?

Service Fabric provides a platform that makes the process of developing microservices and managing the application lifecycle easier.

  • It produces applications with a faster time to market
  • It supports Windows/ Linux, on-premises or other clouds
  • It provides the ability to scale up to a thousand machine

Q25.What Is Swap Deployments?

To promote a deployment in the Azure staging environment to the production environment, you can “swap” the deployments by switching the VIPs by which the two deployments are accessed. After the deployment, the DNS name for the cloud service points to the deployment that had been in the staging environment.

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