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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

New changes in Azure Integration account

Jul 08, 2020 Azure Integration account, Azure, 3232 Views
New changes in Azure Integration account

The Integration Account is part of the Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Pack (EIP) and is a secure, manageable, and scalable container for the integration artifacts that you create. You can store maps, schemas, partners, agreements, and certificates in your Integration Account once and reference them across all your logic apps making the creation of B2B processes with logic apps quick and easy.

Key features of Logic apps:

  • Easy to use design tools — Create logic apps from a web browser or Visual Studio 2015. Start with a trigger, from a simple schedule, or respond to a tweet about your company. Then orchestrate any number of actions using the rich gallery of connectors.
  • Compose SaaS easily — Even composition tasks that are easy to describe are difficult to implement in code. Logic Apps make it a cinch to connect disparate systems. Want to create a task in CRM based on activity on your Facebook or Twitter accounts? Want to connect your cloud marketing solution to your on-premises billing system? Logic apps are the fastest, most reliable way to deliver solutions to these problems.
  • Extensibility baked in — Don’t see the connector you need? Logic Apps are part of the App Service suite and designed to work with API apps; you can easily create your own API app to use as a connector. Build a new app just for you, or share and monetize in the marketplace.
  • Real integration horsepower — Start easy and grow as you need. The Enterprise Integration Pack features include the B2B, EDI, and XML capabilities you need for handling complex business to business workloads. Additionally, Logic Apps can easily leverage the power of BizTalk Server, Microsoft’s industry-leading integration solution to enable integration professionals to build the solutions they need.

Recently some of the new changes were being Introduced by Microsoft for Integration account, earlier we used to remove and update any Maps & Schema’s but now this option is not available.

So the question is how do I remove them? 

  • Go to Azure Portal → search for the Integration account.

  • Here you can see Schemas and Maps.
  • Click on Schema’s → it will list all available schemas.

However, you can see the Delete option is greyed out which is no longer available. 


As a part of this demo, I will be using Cloud Shell.

  • Open Cloud Shell → login to your account → Set azure context
  • first, run below PowerShell Command to check existing schemas.
Get-AzureRmIntegrationAccountSchema -ResourceGroupName “myresourcegroup” -Name “prademointegrationaccount” | Format-Table Name

Like the below image:

  • Now you can see the associated schema’s
  • Now we need to remove them as there is no option for Delete (as it's Greyed out).
  • In order to do so, run below command.

Remove-AzureRmIntegrationAccountSchema -ResourceGroupName “myresourcegroup” -Name “prademointegrationaccount” -SchemaName schematest5 -Force

  • Now I am going to refresh my Integration account home page, you can see Schema’s count been reduced by 1.

Let's do the same for Maps as well.

Maps show Count as 5

  • In order to remove any map, let's run this query
Remove-azurermintegrationaccountmap -ResourceGroupName “myresourcegroup” -Name “prademointegrationaccount” -MapName maptest5 -Force
  • let's refresh the home page and check the new count of Maps.

New Map count :)

Same can be done for Assemblies:

Removing Certificates:

Removing Partners:

Removing agreements:

Removing Batch Configuration:

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms
Prashanth Kumar

Prashanth Kumar

18+ years experience into Microsoft. Net development, technical Architecture and into Solution architecture.

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