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Explore Azure management tools

Jun 18, 2020 Azure, Management, Tools, 2692 Views
In this article, we’ll discuss Explore Azure management tools

Azure Management tools

You can configure and manage Azure employing a broad range of tools and platforms. There are tools available for the instruction, language-specific Software Development Kits (SDKs), developer tools, tools for migration, and lots of others.

Azure portal

The Azure portal may be a public website that you simply can access with any browser. After you check-in together with your Azure account, you'll create, manage, and monitor any available Azure services. you'll identify a service you are looking for, get links for assistance on a subject, and deploy, manage, and delete resources. It also guides you through complex administrative tasks using wizards and tooltips.

The dashboard view provides high-level details about your Azure environment. you'll customize the portal deem you would like by moving and resizing tiles, displaying particular services of interest, accessing links for help and support, and providing feedback.

The portal doesn't provide any thanks for automating repetitive tasks. for instance, to line up multiple Virtual Machines, you'd got to create them one at a time by completing the wizard for every Virtual Machine. Completing a wizard are often time-consuming and error-prone for complex tasks.

Azure PowerShell

Azure PowerShell may be a module that you simply increase Windows PowerShell or PowerShell Core that permits you to attach to your Azure subscription and manage resources. Azure PowerShell requires Windows PowerShell to function. PowerShell provides services like the shell window and command parsing. Azure PowerShell then adds the Azure-specific commands.

For example, Azure PowerShell provides the New-AzVM command that makes a virtual machine for you inside your Azure subscription. To use it, you'd launch PowerShell, check in to your Azure account using the command Connect-AzureRMAccount, then issue a command such as:

New-AzVm `

 -ResourceGroupName "TesResourceGroup" `

 -Name "Testvm" `

 -Image "UbuntuLTS"



PowerShell Core may be a cross-platform version of PowerShell that runs on Windows Linux or macOS.

Azure instruction Interface (CLI)

Azure CLI may be a cross-platform command-line program that connects to Azure and executes administrative commands on Azure resources. Cross-platform means it is often run on Windows, Linux, or macOS. for instance, to make a Virtual Machine, you'd open a prompt window, check in to Azure using the command az login, create a resource group, then use a command such as:

az VM create \

 --resource-group Testrg1 \

 --name Testvm \

 --image UbuntuLTS



Azure Cloud Shell

Azure Cloud Shell may be a browser-based scripting environment in your portal. It provides the pliability of selecting the shell experience that most accurately fits the way you're employed. Linux users can choose a Bash experience, while Windows users can choose PowerShell.

A storage account is required to use the Cloud Shell and you'll be prompted to make one when accessing the Azure Cloud Shell.


we can access Azure Cloud Shell through the portal.

Azure Mobile App

The Microsoft Azure mobile app allows you to access, manage, and monitor all of your Azure accounts and resources from your iOS or Android phone or tablet. Once installed, you can:

  • Check the status and important metrics of your Azure Mobile app services
  • Stay informed with notifications or alerts about important health issues
  • Quickly diagnose and fix issues anytime, anywhere
  • Review the newest Azure alerts
  • Start, restart and stop virtual machines or web apps
  • hook up with your virtual machines
  • Manage permissions with role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Use the Azure Cloud Shell to run saved scripts or perform unplanned administrative tasks


Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs are administration endpoints that help sets of HTTP activities (methods), which give create, retrieve, update, or delete access to the service's resources. A REST API defines a group of functions in which developers can perform requests and receive responses via HTTP protocol like getting and POST.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms
Sarthak Varshney

Sarthak Varshney

Sarthak Varshney is an author and software developer and His rich skill set includes developing and managing IT/Web-based applications in different technologies, such as – VMware Cloud, VMware Horizon, vROPs, vRLI, SRM, Cloud Computing, AWS, Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Big Data, Hadoop, Docker, Kubernetes, JavaScript, ASP.NET Using C#, to SQL Server, HTML 5, Bootstrap, Angular JS, and Android Application Sarthak possesses a Master’s of Computer Application and has been actively contributing to the development community for its betterment and improve the knowledge

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