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Brief of Go Programming Language | Go Programming Tutorial

In this article, you will learn:Why use “Go Language”?How is Go Language different from other programming languages?Explain the Hardware LimitationsPopular Applications developed in the Go language.

Brief of Go Programming Language 

In this article, you will learn:

  • Why use “Go Language”?
  • How is Go Language different from other programming languages?
  • Explain the Hardware Limitations
  • Popular Applications developed in the Go language.

Why use “Go Language”?

Go Programming Language is an attempt to combine the ease of programming of an interpreted, dynamically typed language with the efficiency and safety of a statically typed, compiled language. It also aims to be current, with support for networked and multicore computing. 

How is Go Language different from other programming languages?

  • Go language helps the developers to reduce the typing amount in both senses of the word. Throughout its design, developers tried to reduce the complexity of the programs. 
  • There are no forward declarations and no header files included once they are declared in the programs. 
  • Stuttering can be reduced with the help of using simple type derivation using the:= declare-and-initialize construct. 
  • There is no type hierarchy: types just are, they don’t have to declare their relationship.

Explain the Hardware Limitations

It is an observation that hardware and processing configuration is changing at a very slow rate. In 2004, the P4 was having a clock speed of 3.0GHz and now in 2018, the Macbook pro has a clock speed of approx. To speed up, we have to use more processors, but if we are using more processors, it will increase the cost too. And due to this purpose, we use limited processors. As we are using limited processors, we have heavy programming languages whose threading takes more memory and slows down the performance rate of our system. Hence, to overcome such problems Golang has been developed in such a way that instead of using threading it uses Goroutine, which is similar to threading but consumes very little memory.

Popular Applications developed in the Go language

  • Docker: A set of tools for deploying Linux containers.
  • Openshift: a cloud computing platform by Red Hat as a service.
  • Dropbox: migrated some of its critical components from Python to Go.
  • Golang: The language itself is written in Go programming language.
  • Netflix: It’s two parts of their server architecture.
A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms