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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

var Vs let in JavaScript

May 11, 2020 var in js, let in js, javascript, js , 1252 Views
Let's checkout the difference in var and let

The main difference is the scope rules:

🔹The let variable can only be available inside the scope it's declared, they are scoped to the immediate enclosing block denoted by { }

🔸The var variable belongs to the global scope or the local scope if they are declared inside a function.

❌ There's also a difference when creating global properties.


var foo = "I'm added to the global obj as a property.";

console.log(window.foo); / /I'm added to the global obj as a property.

let foo = "I'm not added to the global obj as a property."

console.log(window.foo); // undefined . .

🔸Besides scoping rules and global object creation, there are a few other interesting functionalities to note when comparing let vs var like hoisting, and declaration.

❌ Which variable do you prefer and why?

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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