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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

What is Google Cloud BigQuery?

Jul 16, 2020 Google Cloud, Google Cloud Big Query, 2194 Views
This article contains what is Google Cloud BigQuery and how BigQuery can be accessed

What is Google Cloud BigQuery?

Storing massive datasets is very difficult. Also, huge datasets require costly hardware and also need maintenance. To solve your problem, we use google to introduce a BIgQuery feature. BigQuery is an enterprise data warehouse that enables fast SQL queries. You can move your datasets into the BigQuery, and the rest of the work is handled by google. You can easily control your data as well as project and also you can give right others too for viewing and querying the data. The fast execution of the SQL is possible with the power of Google’s infrastructure.

BigQuery can be accessed with the Cloud Console or classical web UI by using a command-line tool. Apart from this, there are various third-party tools that can be used to interact with the BigQuery. BigQuery is fully managed on Google infrastructure and also it is completely governed by Google only.  To run a BigQuery to don’t need to install any virtual machine in your device or any other application. You can simply start by running a web query or using the command-line tool.

BigQuery Using Web UI

To load the project the following steps, need to be followed:

  • Select the existing project or create a new project in the cloud console.
  • BigQuery is by default enabled in the new project. If you want to enable it in the existing project, then click on the enable the BigQuery API.
  • BigQuery enables the sandbox if you don’t want to provide a credit card or enable a bill for your project.

It also provides an interface to query a table that includes the public dataset offered by the BigQuery.

The steps to be followed to query the data in a public dataset:

  • Go to the BigQuery web UI in the cloud console.
  • Click on the compose of the new query.
  • Write any query in the text area.
  • To view the query validator, click on the green check. If the query is valid, then the validator checks the amount of data the processor will run.
  • Click on the Run. The result appears in the next window.

Load data into a table

  • Download the data:
    • Download the zip file
    • Extract that file into your machine.
    • Open the file name.
    • Note the location of the file.
  • Steps to create a dataset:
    • Open the BigQuery web UI if it is necessary.
    • Click your project name in the resources section.
    • Click on the create dataset.
    • On the create dataset, for dataset ID enter names and for dataset location enter the location where you want to place your dataset.
  • You can also load the data into the new table.
  • You can preview the table.
  • You can also query the table.

BigQuery using the command-line tool

  • Create the project
    • Select the existing project or create a new project in the cloud console.
    • Install and initialize the Cloud SDK.
    • BigQuery is by default enabled in the new project. If you want to enable it in the existing project, then click on the enable the BigQuery API.
    • BigQuery enables the sandbox if you don’t want to provide a credit card or enable a bill for your project.
  • Run the help command to get the information of BigQuery.
  • You can also run the query statement.

To create a new table, follow the following steps:

  • Download the sample data.
  • Now, create a new dataset.
  • Update the table into a single step.
  • At last, run the query.

BigQuery can also access using client libraries.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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