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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Sanity Testing? | Software Testing

In this article, you will get to know the advantages and disadvantages of sanity testing.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Sanity Testing?

In this article, you will get to know the advantages and disadvantages of sanity testing.

Sanity Testing is more preferred on stable builds. It is also considered the variant of regression testing. It is performed on the builds which are received from the development team with minor code changes.

Advantages of the Sanity Testing:

The major benefits of Sanity Testing are as follows:

  • It helps in finding any deployment and complication issues very quickly.
  • It is very cheap in execution as compared to other types of software testing. 
  • It helps in rapidly finding the defects in the core functionality of an application. 
  • There is no documentation necessary for the sanity testing. Hence, it takes less time to execute than other software testing. 
  • The implementation of sanity testing will help us in finding the unnecessary defects, testing efforts, and time because its major focus is on the new functionalities only. 
  • It helps in finding the missing dependent objects quickly. 

Disadvantages of the Sanity Testing:

The drawbacks of Sanity Testing:

  • All the test cases in the test suite are not covered under sanity testing. 
  • It gives more importance to the statements and functions of the applications. 
  • Somehow, it becomes very complex for the developers to find and understand the defects, and how to fix them which are acknowledged during the sanity testing if they do not carry the structure level design. 
  • It has no future references because the sanity testing is unscripted. 
  • Sometimes, it becomes a complex process to find out which component is giving an error because it tests only for the limited features. 

We use sanity testing to check the working of the application when minor changes happen in the software. 

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms