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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Welcome to C# 9 | List of New Features in C# 9

May 20, 2020 C#, .Net, C# 9.0, , 3925 Views
checkout the list of the new features in C# 9.0

As we have a bunch of new features in C# and here you'll find some of them.

List of New Features in C# 9.0

  1. Target-typed new
  2. Relax ordering of ref and partial modifiers
  3. Parameter null-checking
  4. Skip locals init
  5. Lambda discard parameters
  6. Native ints
  7. Attributes on local functions
  8. Function pointers
  9. Pattern matching improvements
  10. Static lambdas
  11. Records
  12. Target-typed conditional
  13. Covariant Returns
  14. Extension GetEnumerator
  15. Module initializers
  16. Extending Partial
  17. Top-level statements

More details about new upcoming features in C# 9.0, keep looking at GitHub Document.

C# 9.0 is taking shape finally. In MS Build 2020 Mads Torgersen & Dustin Campbell demoed the features list, here in this video you can check out:

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms