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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Introduction to Python | Why Python

Sep 14, 2020 Python, 3812 Views
Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python | Why Python

Python is a dynamic, interpreted programming language. It is a high-level language developed in the late 1980s by Guido Van Rossum. It can be used to create workflows, web applications, and connect to databases. In today's world, it is mainly used to handle big data and perform very complex mathematical problems, perform data analytics and data science operations, also to perform ready software development.

It has a simple syntax which enhances developers' experience to write programs with fewer line but not compromising functionality. Python runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written.

Reasons to choose Python :

  • Very Supportive Community - Python has a very Supportive Community, be at enabling programming, or data analysis, or data science or handling big data or even solving a complex mathematical problem. A new learner gets welcomed by various ways to learn Python through various technical articles, blogs, or even tutorials.
  • Availability of various Python Libraries and Frameworks - There are various Python Libraries and Frameworks available to perform operations for any need, which can be applied for a seamless experience fro development for any purpose which enhances the experience and thus enables productivity optimization.
  • Flexibility - Python Program enables you to create or develop something new, which you never tried before. It doesn't restrict developers to stay in the same segment, with the functionality it enables you to learn more create more and explore more.
  • Support for open-source Tools and FrameWorks - Python provides huge support for Open Source. Developers can use several open-source Python frameworks and development tools to enhance the development experience.


Python programming language enhances developers' experiences trough its flexibility and robust property and supports various libraries. Every developer be at web developer or ML developer finds their frameworks or tools such as Django or Flask or PyQT, or PyJs, etc, to perform their task and have a better experience.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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