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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

How to create a class to add two distances in PHP | PHP programs

Jan 19, 2022 PHP, 1184 Views
How to create a class to add two distances in PHP | PHP programs

How to create a class to add two distances in PHP | PHP programs

We will create a Distance class that contains feet and inches and then we add two distances using the Distance class.


class Distance

    private $feet;
    private $inch;

    function SetDist($f, $i)
        $this->feet = $f;
        $this->inch = $i;

    function PrintDist()
        print ("Feet  : " . $this->feet . '<br>');
        print ("Inchs : " . $this->inch . '<br><br>');

    function AddDist(Distance $d2)
        $temp = new Distance();

        $temp->feet = $this->feet + $d2->feet;
        $temp->inch = $this->inch + $d2->inch;

        if ($temp->inch >= 12)
            $temp->inch -= 12;
        return $temp;

$d1 = new Distance();
$d1->SetDist(10, 2);
print ("Distance1 : " . '<br>');

$d2 = new Distance();
$d2->SetDist(10, 3);
print ("Distance2 : " . '<br>');

$d3 = $d1->AddDist($d2);
print ("Distance3 : " . '<br>');

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms